That's Entertainment / Pilot

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In a beautiful singing voice, the story begins with a song.

Charlie: 🎵 At the end of the rainbow, there's happiness🎵

A human is shown falling down from the sky into a city like place as a rainbow bursts upward through the clouds.

Charlie: 🎵 And, to find it, often I've tried 🎵

Charlie is seen being told off by her father as a shadow of an unknown entity mimicking the movement of her father.

Charlie: 🎵 But, my life is a race.Justt a wild goose chase. And, my dreams yave all been denied. 🎵

Earth like siloate is shown with a pentagram in the middle with angelic like beings with spears surrounding it in a circular motion.

Charlie: 🎵 Why have I always been a failure? 🎵

A shadow of lucifer looms over a disappointed Charlie as demon arms and tentacles cover the screen. Then, earth is shown spinning with eyes of many shapes and sizes staring at earth.

Charlie: 🎵 What can the reason be? / I wonder if the world's to blame. 🎵

Charlie: 🎵 I wonder if it could be me. 🎵

A group of 5 angelic like beings emerge from Silhouettes of corpses of demons while they have blood on them with an x over their eye and a sinister smile on their face. One face glows while it cuts to darkness, and all is visible of the face and halo of the being.

Charlie: 🎵 I'm always chasing rainbows. / Watching clouds drifting by. 🎵

The scene fades in on graffiti that says "Fuck you, heaven", "punishment", "Your Days are Numbered" and "Cleanse!" As there are remains of demons from the recent extermination.

Charlie: 🎵 My schemes are just like all my dreams, / Ending in the sky. 🎵

Charlie walks towards the hotel's balcony as she releases a firework from her hand that signals the rest of hell that the extermination has ended.

Charlie: 🎵 Some fellow look and find the sunshine. 🎵

A handful of demons are seen checking the area to see if the coast is all clear.

Charlie: 🎵 I always look and find the rain. 🎵

An overlord opens the blinds to her room, revealing the display of fireworks. The camera then proceeds to shoe a four-eyed Overlord. As well as silhouettes of other overlords present in the same room as her.

Charlie: 🎵 Some fellows make a winning sometime. 🎵

At the point studios, Velvette takes a selfie with Vox, whereas Velentino isn't amused when he sees that he got a text from his employee.

Charlie: 🎵 I never even make a gain. / believe me. 🎵

Two feminine humanoid demons check to see if Franklin was ali e and proceed to head offscreen as the cannibals waiting nearby to pounce and feast on the remains. Rosie then crosses out of Franklin's name from the sign above their business.

Charlie: 🎵 I'm always chas I ng rainbows. 🎵

A demon can be seen cleaning up what's left of the extermination as other demons begun to freely walk about in the open.

Charlie: *in tears* 🎵 Waiting to find a little blueburd... in vain. 🎵

Charlie loons back at the clock tower, her eyes red with yellow/golden irises with tears softly flowing down her rosey red cheeks. The clock tower resets the timer for the next yearly Cleanse of Sinner souls to be killed once more.

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