Radio Killed the Video Star.

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Two young children can be seen exploring the streets of France, Paris. One boy, and one girl.

Gabriel, who has short dark brown hair and blue eyes, and white skin.

And his older sister, Roo. With her black hair and red eyes and medium brown skin.

The siblings both roam around the city as Gabriel and Roo's father, Claude Frollo patrol around the city. So they were allowed to explore because nobody wished to anger The Justice minister. Gabriel however, was nervous due to his autism and ADHD so he didn't want to be the center of attention. Roo didn't really care or mind being attention. Roo wasn't like Gabriel as she was more daring and mischievous, but she does care for her younger brother, Gabriel.

Roo was about 12 years old while Gabriel was about 8 years old. While they looked around France, Roo spots the the festival of fools

Roo: Hey bro, Looks like we found the festival.

Roo smiles sinisterly as she watches from afar with her younger brother behind her.

Gabriel: Awful lot of people and... sounds.. loud sounds...

Roo frowns a bit and rolls her eyes sarcastically, before giving a sympathetic look and she sighs. She pulls out a stuffed voodoo doll from her pocket with a otter-tail like look to it.

Roo: Here.

she hands it to Gabriel as he held onto it.

Roo: Just in case I'm not around to help you out.

Gabriel looks at the doll and smiles as he hugs Roo.

Gabriel: Thanks sis...

Roo smirked as she hugged him back.

Roo: You're welcome bro, now come on. Let's enjoy the festival.

Both siblings head into the crowd which hands held as they get to a clear part of the crowd and Gabriel stayed close to Roo. They both enjoy the festival as Roo looked around and She sees Frollo on a stand.

Roo: Of course fathers here, didn't think the judge of fools would celebrate his own mockery...

Gabriel shifts uncomfortably as Roo slowly calmed him down and they both head further away from Frollo and into the crowd. Suddenly, one of the crowds bumps into both of them and they both get separated as Roo noticed Gabriel wasn't with her. Gabriel breaths heavily as he tried backing away but bumped into others due to fear.

Random Romani: Hey!

Gabriel: S-sorry...

Gabriel backed away and he saw people in costumes that frightened him as he quickly dashes away from them and he ran into an orange and red tent as he stopped in his tracks when a small goat tried to act tough as Gabriel then tripped on a stool and by instinct, he grabbed the curtain but he fell with the curtain covering him as a young Romani woman with a curvy figure, medium brown skin, dark brown lips, long raven-black hair, thick black eyebrows, and striking emerald green eyes, wearing a green robe with purple edges on, and wears a golden hoop earring on her left ear, a golden bangle on her left wrist, and matching bracelet and anklet on both her right hand and right ankle.. Panicked and startled by the sudden thing happening. She turns to see a small figure underneath the fallen curtain.

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