the pregnancy

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"Tim, what we did in the hotel room was just wrong... and we can't just forget that." says Lucy. "Yes Lucy, but what should we do then?!" asks Tim.
"Shit Tim" says Lucy.  "What?!"  Tim asks.  "Did we use protection last night?!"  asks Lucy.  "Um, no, I can't remember that.." says Tim.  “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR TIM” says Lucy.  “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO??” asks Tim.  "DRIVE TO A DRUG SHOP TIM WE HAVE TO BUY A PREGNANCY TEST!?"  Lucy says panicked.  Tim immediately starts the car and drives to a drug store.  When he arrives at the drug store, Tim parks his car in the parking lot.  "Okay, we're here," says Tim.  Lucy looks out the window and refuses to get out.  "I don't want to," says Lucy.  "Lucy I'm certainly not pregnant," says Tim.  “But it’s also your child,” says Lucy.  "Okay, let's go in together," Tim says and opens the door.  Tim and Lucy both enter the store and look for the pregnancy test.  They can't find any, so they have to ask.  “Go ask someone,” Tim says.  "Why me again?! Go ask!"  Lucy says annoyed.  "Okay, okay," says Tim.  Tim goes to an employee and asks him.  "Hey, um, sorry, do you happen to know where the pregnancy tests are?"  Tim asks.  The employee takes Tim to the pregnancy test and Tim takes a few.  “Who do you need a pregnancy test for?”  the employee asks.  “Um, for my girlfriend,” Tim says and leaves.  Tim goes to the cashier and pays for the pregnancy test.  Meanwhile, Lucy was waiting outside.  "Here I have the pregnancy test, where are we going now?"  Tim asks.  "To me because at yours is Ashley" says Lucy.  “Oh yeah, shit, I completely forgot about her,” says Tim.  Tim and Lucy drive to Lucy's apartment to take the pregnancy test.  Lucy takes out her keys as they walk down the hall to her apartment.  Lucy opens the door and goes in.  Tim looks around and then takes the pregnancy test out of his jacket pocket.  “Here,” Tim says and hands Lucy the test.  Lucy takes the test without saying anything and goes into the bathroom to see if she is pregnant.  Meanwhile, Tim is excitedly waiting in the living room for the result.  Lucy takes the test and it comes back negative - not pregnant.  Lucy takes the test and goes out.  Tim immediately goes to Lucy.  "And what is it??!"  Tim asks.  "Not pregnant..." Lucy says disappointedly.  "Oh that's such a relief," Tim says and breathes out loud.  Lucy is disappointed and takes a bottle of vodka from the kitchen.  Tim was in the living room and looked at the pregnancy test again and was happy.  Suddenly Tim notices that Lucy isn't there.  He looks for her and finds her in her bedroom.  Tim goes to Lucy and sits on the edge of the bed.  And Lucy drinks from the vodka bottle.  "Hey, what's wrong now Lucy?"  Tim asks.  "I don't know, I'm so upset because I'm not pregnant..." Lucy says.  "But why Lucy you see that it's for the best?"  Tim asks."I don't know... the thought of having a little version of you just made me happy and the fact that I'm already too old... my mother is probably right too.." says Lucy.  "Whoa whoa Lucy slow down, we're not even together and you're already thinking about it?"  says Tim.  Lucy has drunk half the bottle of vodka and is slowly getting drunk.  Tim takes the bottle away from Lucy because she almost dropped the bottle.  "Lucy?"  says Tim.  But Lucy fell asleep long ago because she was so drunk and tired.  Tim covers Lucy and adjusts her pillow.  It was already late and Tim went home afterwards.
Ashley was waiting for Tim at home.  Tim opens the door and hangs up his jacket.  "Hey, where have you been?"  Ashley asks.  "Oh sorry ash, I had to do something extra in the station."  Tim says and goes into his bedroom.  Tim goes to sleep and the next morning he had the early shift again.  Lucy also happened to be working at the same time as Tim.  Tim gets ready and is on his way to the station.  It was already time for the rollcall and Lucy still wasn't there.  After the roll call, Grey goes to Tim.  "Hey Tim," Grey says.  "Hey Sarge," Tim says.  "Tim, Lucy isn't there, she hasn't notified us either. Do you happen to know where she is? Did anything happen in the undercover op yesterday?"  Grey asks.  Tim gives Gray a weird look because he remembered what he and Lucy did in the hotel room.  "Eh um no Sarge, I don't know anything about it," says Tim and goes into his office.  Grey knows that Tim is hiding something, so he sends Angela and Nyla to Lucy to see what's going on.  Nyla and Angela make their way to Lucy.  When they arrived they knocked on the door but no one answered.  "Lucy?!"  Angela says loudly and knocks again.  Meanwhile, Lucy was drunk and sleeping because she drank even more last night after Tim left.  Nyla and Angela decide to break down the door.  They break down the door and enter Lucy's apartment.  Angela saw the pregnancy test on the table and showed it to Nyla, both of them were surprised.  Nyla goes into Lucy's bedroom and sees that Lucy's face is completely pale.  Angela goes to Lucy and gently shakes her to wake her up.  "Lucy? Lucy are you okay?!"  Angela asks worriedly.  Lucy wakes up . "Yes, yes, I'm fine..." says Lucy.  "Whoa whoa Lucy, what happened, you look so pale, apparently you drank a whole bottle of vodka, what happened?!"  Angela asks.  Lucy looks around and starts crying.  Angela hugs Lucy and calms her down.  “Just tell us what happened,” Nyla says.  Lucy tells them both the whole story of how she had sex with Tim in the hotel room and then the whole pregnancy thing.  Angela is angry because Tim was just so inconsiderate.  Angela looks at Nyla.  "I'm going to kill this man," says Angela.  "No, no Angela please don't do anything, telling you about it was a bad idea in itself!!"  says Lucy.  “No, Lucy, you can’t just forget that,” says Nyla.  "I'm guessing because of the pregnancy test you're not pregnant, right?"  Angela asks.  "Yes, I'm not pregnant.." says Lucy.  "Lucy, you don't look well at all, we should take you to the hospital for a check-up and then we'll take care of Tim," says Nyla.  Lucy took a shower, ate something and was about to go to the hospital with Angela and Nyla until Tamara came in.  Tamara was at her best friend's for a few days so she didn't find out anything about Tim and Lucy.  She sees that Lucy isn't doing so well and then Angela and Nyla are there.  "Whoa, what happened?"  asks Tam. "Tam, we have to go to the hospital with Lucy now, we'll tell you about it later," says Nyla.  "Hey, I'm not letting you out until you tell me what's going on with Lucy?!"  says Tam. "Okay sit down, I'll tell you everything" says Lucy and tells Tamara the whole story.  "Omg he did not-" Tamara says and stands up.  "Tam please calm down-" Lucy says.  But Tam didn't listen any further, she picked up her bag and went to find Tim.  "Oh God, I think she wants to go kill Tim now," Nyla says.  “Probably,” says Angela.  Nevertheless, Lucy, Angela and Nyla make their way to the hospital, where Lucy gets a check-up to make sure that everything is okay with Lucy. Lucy waited in the waiting room with Nyla and Angela and then a doctor came.  "Are you Lucy Chen?"  the doctor asks.  “Yes, I am,” Lucy says and stands up.  "Your lab values ​​are positive, everything is fine, you just drank a little too much last time, drink enough water and eat well," says the doctor and leaves.
“Luckily nothing bad,” says Nyla.  "Lucy you should go home and rest, me and Nyla will take care of Tim" says Angela.  "Home? No, I've had enough when I get home I'll probably start drinking again," Lucy says.  “Okay then you come with us to the station,” says Nyla.  Angela, Nyla and Lucy made their way to the station. Meanwhile, Tam was on her way to Tim's house.  Ashley was home but Tim wasn't.  Tam rang the doorbell and Ashely opened it.  "Hey, who are you-" Ashley wanted to say when Tam interrupted her.  "Where is Tim?"  Tam asks. "He's at work, why are you asking about him?"  Ashley asks.  "Oh if you don't know, he slept with my roommate and he's an asshole," Tam says and leaves.  Ashley was upset in tears because she couldn't believe Tim would do something like that.  Ashely then decided to go to Tim too.  Angela, Lucy and Nyla had already arrived at the station.  The three of them all go in and then go to Tim's office.  Lucy is behind Angela and Nyla.  Only Nyla and Angela enter Tim's office.  Meanwhile, Lucy watches from the window.  “Why are you such an asshole Tim??”  Nyla asks.  "Excuse me?!"  Tim says confused.  "We know everything you did with Lucy," says Angela while looking deep into Tim's eyes. Tim was speechless for a few seconds until Ashley suddenly ran to Tim's office angrily. Ashley walked into Tim's office and gave him a slap in the Face. Tim holds his hand on his cheek and is shocked. "You asshole Tim, how could you, I always knew you were wrong," Ashley says and gets tears in her eyes. She runs out of Tim's office crying and sees that  Lucy also stands outside, she then gives Lucy a condescending look and leaves. Gray notices that it is loud in Tim's office. Angela and Nyla were also a bit shocked after Ashley left. "Tim because of you, Lucy was depressed and drank a whole bottle of vodka  She almost killed herself and you didn't care at all." Angela says and then walks out of Tim's office. Tim holds his forehead and is about to cry then he sees Lucy standing outside looking at him. Nyla and Angela come out and Lucy leaves  then with them too.

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