Hi sorry this is the author, and this chapter likely came out later than I would have hoped, because I tried to put in more detail with so um ye. (also I am lazy as f***)
Continuing with Naruto's graduation here is what happens
Naruto wakes up in his bed noticing he is 2 hours late for team assignments quickly gets up and rushes to the academy to hopefully by some means find out what his team is.
Naruto POV:
As I rush into the classroom I notice with surprise that Sasuke and Sakura are still there, while Iruka sensei left, likely to do paperwork or well whatever else he does. As soon as Sakura notices she appears somehow instantaneously in front of me about to bash my head in while yelling "NARUTO!". Due to some of the "training"(hell) that Velzard-oneesan and Rimuru-ni put me through, I was able to somehow, somehow, dodge Sakura-chan's punch. This surprised me, but it did kind of make sense because of how brutal the "Training" was, and that I was suppressing my skills in the academy due to the request of Rimuru-ni; just thinking of it makes me shiver.
Sakura surprised at my ability hadn't the mind to right herself so she ended up falling onto the ground(this fact made Sasuke smirk a bit for a second but not to the notice of anyone). I then proceeded to ask, "Sakura-chan, teme are we on the same team? I don't see anyone else here after all" Sasuke answered with his trademark "hn" in a manner of confirmation which was enough to prove to me that my guess was correct.
Soon we hear a bunch of cussing coming from the hallway as well as wailing from another voice. The door then gets thrown off its hinges through the window and almost onto somebody's head judging by the distinct yelling, thankfully the window was open at least.
I then noticed that out of the two people that I came in I recognized one of them, Rimuru-ni although I did not recognize the other person was likely the one being dragged by ni-san.
3rd person POV:
As Rimuru, Kakashi enters the room with the three genin who are now questioning the sanity of the 2 that just entered as well as their safety around them(not Naruto though :P). After the silver-haired dude decided to stand up, he said that he was their sensei while the blue-haired girl, no guy? Wait what's the blue-haired one's gender? thought Sakura and Sasuke. Naruto knowing Rimuru and judging the silver-haired guy stayed silent. Rimuru then spoke and told the genin to meet them at the roof. Then both Rimuru and Kakashi shunshin to the roof, naruto soon follows them with a shunshin of his own, but instead of the leaves or smoke, he made his using snowflakes copying Shenhe's shunshin which he found was the most interesting(remember Naruto is had been taught a bit before by Rimuru, Velzard, and Shenhe).
On the roof, Rimuru and Kakashi aren't surprised to see Naruto shunshin in right after them, though Kakashi is a bit surprised at Naruto's particular custom shunshin as he recognized it belonging to Konoha's "Hisame" (Shenhe; btw Hisame means ice storm for this specific translation). In about 3 minutes both Sasuke and Sakura are seen coming onto the roof; Sasuke upon seeing the people on the roof was a bit surprised that Naruto was there but hid it well.
Rimuru Pov:
As the other two of our students decided to join us I kind of zoned out because I had decided with Kakashi to go last, I did however decide to see what Naruto would say for his introduction. "My Name is Naruto Uzumaki; I like ramen, training, gardening as well as skating(taught by Velzard); My dislikes include people who are ignorant, judgemental, arrogant, cruel, rape for any reason, avocado - idk I just hate it, I also can't stand seeing those I care about getting hurt; Finally my dream is to become Hokage so that I can gain the respect and recognition of people as well as the strength to protect others!" - excitedly states Naruto. Oh? now there is something new there? last time I checked he hadn't a problem with people being ignorant. but I guess that ties into the judgemental part. Rimuru then decided it was about time he said something about himself and went with the introduction - "Hello My name is Rimuru, I am a guy, I like my wife Velzard, my good friend Shenhe; My dislikes are Arrogant, Ignorant, and petty people, I also do not appreciate avocado, and despise rapists; My Dream has already been accomplished yet I will not inform you of it~" I say with a bit of a teasing smile as nobody else knew my dream(other than Velzard who ain't there even).

Looking for adventure, again, more, never stopping. Worlds.StoryANew
FanfictionHey wait! before you ignore this! It is a good story, with better writing then what I have mostly seen on this site! I know it is not everyone's cup of tea but please try it. Also the quality in writing will increase with feedback and new chapter! A...