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[ 𝐁 𝐑 𝐔 𝐓 𝐀 𝐋 ! ]
"don't call me sad eyes, don't call me baby"


Valentina picked her nails as she waited in between two strangers, still irritated they went by order of last names with the seating and line up. She stared up at the stage in the middle of their schools small football field that doubled as the shitty track trail too, as the principal, who Valentina could count on one hand she'd seen the entire year, gave his speech she heard from Eli he gave every year.

She was still in half shock she was really about to graduate, how fast the time went, and the other half longed to go back to September or better yet November when she still had him.

Valentina gotten her acceptance letter back in April, which made her cry into Vincent's shoulder for nearly twenty minutes before she followed that up with the night later with getting high and sleeping with a guy she had flirted with for hours at some frat party of the same school she was going to be attending in the fall.

Though something about today was making it hit her much harder of how real it was, and it had her head scrambling again and her emotions all over the place.

This morning was spent trying to calm Alessia down and going over the blondes valedictorian speech, said blonde was currently behind her mumbling over her speech. Valentina tilts her her head back and to the side see her best friend, smiles at her, and whispers, "you're gonna do great, babe, don't worry"

Alessia gives her a quick smile about to reply when her name is called, and Valentina watches the Blonde go through the quick motions of panic before she reaches out to quickly give Valentina a hug and walks up the podium, giving Kai who was a few chairs down the aisle she has to walk down anyway the same quick hug though that was all Kai's doing.

Valentina smiles throughout Alessia's entire speech knowing how hard she worked to get Valedictorian even if their school was shit, it was her goal for the entirety of her four years. Kai, being themselves, whistles out the first cheer as Valentina whips her tears and claps with the rest of the attendees of their graduation ceremony.

Alessia herself was, red cheeked from being the center of attention of so many people at the moment and smiling from ear to ear as she was congratulated by their principal and handed her rolled up diploma.

Alessia returned to her seat behind Valentina, waving at her fathers who were seated with Vincent and Fiona. With Aki and Irie along Mickey and Ian behind them. She of course noticed the tears the girl had shed and whispers "stop you idiot, you almost made me cry!"

Valentina giggles quietly, sniffing dramatically as she holds her hands up in surrender as the student body vice president begins his speech.

Between the speeches, Kai having enough of being separated, scared the four students that were between them and Alessia into moving. When Kai dropped into the seat to Alessia, The blonde smacked them on the thigh and in hushed whispers they began to bicker like the old married couple Valentina has teased them of being.

Valentina snorts, when she hears Kai eventually yelp again in pain most likely receiving another smack from the blonde before the both go quiet.

The students begin to get called of after the last guest speech, and as the rows begin to empty Valentina's leg begins bouncing, her heart getting a little louder in her ear as she swears in her mind up able to belive this was actually happening.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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