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[  𝐁 𝐑 𝐔 𝐓 𝐀 𝐋! ]

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[ 𝐁 𝐑 𝐔 𝐓 𝐀 𝐋! ]

"feels like yesterday"

CW: flashback of moments of past abuse!

VALENTINA SOMETIMES FELT as though her life was a seesaw, for every high there was a constant low to drag her back to reality.

Eliza's abrupt entrance back into her life was just that. A months worth of a good high and now everything was on draining low.

Everyday for the past week she's finds Vincent on the phone talking to some lawyer his friend had recommended. She could see how much it was draining him, they didn't have much money for this on top of the bills. Eliza had the luck of being a lawyer before the death of her husband. Not many people who knew her know her as the drunken drug addict witch her children do.

And Vincent,no matter how optimistic he pretended to be when Valentina would sit with him, was terrified they'll lose because they knew that Eliza had that over them.

He was scared his little sister would be tossed back into the hell that was living with Eliza but this time without him.

The hole of guilt in Valentina stomach was bottomless.

School shockingly became her only break from the mess at home. Or maybe it was just Carl and Alessia.

The trio were sitting as far from the rest of student body at lunch, Alessia had gotten her schedule switched around after gaining another AP class giving her the same lunch hour.

Valentina was talking with her head on Alessia's shoulder and eyes closed. Sleep was becoming more and more sparse for the girl since the grand return of Eliza.

Carl had yet to notice the girls behavior but Alessia was starting to worry. She had talked Valentina out of three panic attacks this week with her nightmares doubling.

"Ho-lly incoming" Alessia whispers nodding subtly breaking off the conversation.

With a groan Valentina sat up opening her eyes,blinking a few times to correct the blurriness.
Holly was like a fly that had no issues buzzing around them any second she got, mainly because of Carl.

Valentina wanted strange the blonde every time she appeared near them as of late,if she had the energy that is.

"Hiii" Holly greeted the trio sitting right in between Valentina and Carl in her strange dead tone that could make dead people itch.

The Trio gave her half ass greetings, well Alessia and Valentina did Carl just moved away from her.

Debbie joined them as well sitting on the other side to her brother and next to Alessia.

Valentina gave the red head smile that seemed to lighten the girls mood by the smile that raised on hers. She was still curious about Debbie, seeing as she was the only one besides Carl and Liam that she doesn't remember.

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