The Calm Before the Storm

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Upon entering the house, you guys noticed that the living room was already filled with people who all had drinks in their hands, and all were vibing to the music on the loudspeakers. The party wasn't too unhinged thankfully, but then again- this was just the beginning of the party. 

You heard a squeal from the corner of the room, before a pair of hands grabbed yours, and spun you both around into a hug. Wrapping your arms around the culprit in return, it was none other than Bebe. "Y/n, look at you, not hiding that bod of yours with that baggy sweater!" The blonde girl pulled away from the hug, and eyed you up and down. "God damn girl, you've been hiding that from us this whole time?" She teased you. "That dress makes your tits look fabulous, girl! You're killing it!" 

A deep red shade of blush formed across your cheeks, not realizing that it was going to be this big of a deal that you were showing off for once. Taking a look over Bebe's outfit, she was in a dark red off-shoulder dress that was backless, with only a few strings to hold it together. The dress was also pretty short, and was barely enough to cover her ass, but if she needed to bend over there's no way she'd be able to hide herself enough. It was no surprise that she'd dress this way, she's always been known to dress up in the skimpier and revealing outfits to show off her rockin' body. She had the tits to show off too, so it wouldn't have done anyone justice if she just hid it all to herself anyways. 

"Did you come here with anyone?" You asked her, not seeing Clyde near her, so they must've been on their 'off and on' relationship again. Well now that you think about it, it seemed like a lot of the girls in that friend group didn't have much luck with a stable relationship, always being off and on with the same guy. 

"Hell no!" Bebe responded to you, rolling her eyes and shaking her head at the same time. "I'm hoping I can leave here with someone, maybe find a real man and get laid tonight." She winked at you, and extended her arm out, grabbing your attention to see all the people around the room. "Look at all these different candidates. Maybe even you'll get lucky and get off your dry streak... Unless that's what Butters is for~" She chimed, wrapping her arms around you and pressed her cheek against yours. 

"Down girl, down! God, you reek of alcohol!" Now that her face was much closer to yours, you could smell the distinct scent of liquor on her lips. Her comment also put you on edge, and you scanned the room to see if Butters was around to even hear that, but thankfully he wasn't in sight. 

"Give the poor girl some room to breathe, geez Bebe." A pair of hands came up from behind you two, grabbing Bebe by her shoulders and yanking her off of you. "Y/N it's so good to see you again, it feels like it's been too long! And let me just say, oh my god you are absolutely gorgeous! No wonder why the boys kept looking over here." A peppy Wendy came up to you two, a wide smile spread across her lips. 

"You are way too generous, girl! Just look at you and Bebe! You guys are the reason for any stares tonight, seriously!" You felt a smile across your lips just hearing how much these girls knew how to compliment you. The three of you girls giggled in unison, complimenting each others outfits and talking about how you guys were total eye candy.

"With how quickly you ran off, I thought there was something wrong, babe." An unfamiliar voice made its way up to you three now, revealing that it belonged to Tolkien. He then looked up, and you two made eye contact. A soft smile spread across his lips as he reached a hand out to shake yours. "You must be Y/N. I've heard about you!" 

"Hopefully good things?" You laugh a little nervously, not really sure who would've been talking about you in Team Craig. That's definitely something that was going to itch your mind for a while, the curiosity of knowing exactly what was said about you was going to eat you up. You reached your hand out to meet his, shaking his hand as you accepted his greeting.

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