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Emily awoke to many girls sitting on her bed.
"Oh Emily, how was the date?"
"Did you kiss?"
"You guys are so cute together!"
"Oh ha! It was wonderful! We didn't get back until 1:30 in the morning!" The onlookers gasped.
"1:30? And you weren't caught? Fabulous!" The room was filled with excited whispers when suddenly Professor Snape walked into the common room with Professor McGonagall.
"Slytherins down here." Called Snape's low voice. The common room rapidly filled with students.
"Some may be wondering why we are here." Professor Snape stated. The room was silent. Professor McGonagall broke the silence, "It has come to my attention that many students think they can wander around at 1 in the morning without getting caught." The first year girls stared at Emily. Her checks flushed almost as red as McGonagall's Crimson robes. Draco looked down at the feet, apparently very interested in his shoes.
"So," she continued,"Anymore late night, or early morning, wandering and you will get more than detention." She glared directly at Emily and then Draco. "You may go, except Mr.Malfoy and Miss. Thompson, or should I say Mrs. Malfoy." The room of students was quickly emptied to only two students and two professors.
"Miss. Thompson, you will be doing detention with Professor Quirrel. Tonight." Emily was relieved, Professor Quirrel was oddly nice to her.
"Mr. Malfoy, you will help Mr. Filch clean the halls. Both detentions are tonight." Draco looked sadly at Emily. Professor Snape and McGonagall exited the room.
"We're not breaking up," Draco spoke, "Being caught does not dim my love for you."
It was time for Emily and Draco's detention. Draco gave Emily a hug before he headed to Mr. Filch's room. Emily walked the other direction to Professor Quirrel's room.
"Hhhello Emily." He was waiting outside, "I feel that yyyoung llove ah should not be er punished." The last word was oddly clear considering his stutter.
"Then what about Draco?"
"Ah. I requested only you. You'll see."
He invited Emily in, she sat down at the desk closer to his.
"You see, my master gets lonely with only me to talk to." Emily was bewildered, "You knew him before his exile and he wishes to speak again." Professor Quirrel began to unravel his turban.

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