11 | the art fest

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Boards were finally over.

Sana sat watching TV, enjoying the coolness generated by the fan amidst the scorching heat of summer.

-the ligature mark around the neck of the victim was upwards. This only further certified that-

Sana turned away from the TV and gazed out the door, at the falling sun and the rising darkness. If Shrest had been living here, he would have tried to get her to join him in playing some sport. She detested the activity.

She wished to laze around and preferably do nothing. Now, she had the perfect opportunity to do just that, given that Shrest had moved in with his brother.

With a relaxed sigh, she turned back to the TV.

-strangling of the victim was the trademark way of killing for serial killer, Charles Karlos. The notorious-

Her head tilted back. Despite it all, she reluctantly accepted that she missed the idiot. Vihan had gone on a vacation with his rich family. Mani had her own friends to hang out with. Her mother was, as usual, busy.

There was no one to accompany her.

She turned around, head into the sofa's pillow and let out a muffled groan. Usually, she had no problem doing nothing. She wondered what the problem was, today.

"I knew this would be your state."

Sana whipped up straight, her hair all over the place. She quickly arranged it and stared at the boy in her doorway.

"Shrest? I thought you-"

"I came back today. I had to convince my parents I was taking humanities, after all."

"Oh. How did they take the news?"

Shrest shrugged. "They had no choice but to accept it."

Sana nodded, slowly.

The two watched each other. It had been awhile since they had seen each other - something unusual for the both of them, since they had practically grown up together.

"Will your mom let you wander out of the house for a day?"

Sana blinked. "Why?"

"I thought we could visit the art fest. It's happening in the park near the ice cream parlour."

Sana pulled out her phone and texted her mother. She quickly received a text back confirming her acceptance.

"I can go. Give me a minute."

She hastened into her room, closing the door behind her. She pulled open her wardrobe and sifted through her clothes.

"I didn't think you'd agree this quickly. Were you that bored?" He asked loudly, with a smile on his face.

"Shut up." She yelled back, as she slipped into another top and pants. Checking out her crop-top and loose-fitted cargo pants for wrinkles, she brushed her hair.

Within a few minutes, she was ready and sauntered to the hall where Shrest was waiting.

"We'll go?"


The art fest was organized creatively. There were stalls making portraits and offering art prints for cheap. There was also a wall on which anyone could draw anything. A bunch of little kids had decided to pour out their imagination on it and were currently sketching on it, furiously.

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