24 | the aftermath of a realization

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it is recommended to listen to 'drawing our moments' by taeyeon as you read this chapter.

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"Can you come pick me up," Sana asked, rubbing her heels against the ground.

"Sure. Stay there."

"Okay. Don't bring a car."

"I don't have a bike or a scooter." Shrest answered, confused. "I only have a car."

"I have no complaints about that."

"....Then, how am I supposed to pick you up?"

"I just want you to walk me back home. Alright?"

"...Okay. Stay there."


She hung up and waited, watching as the sky slowly and slowly disappeared amidst the grey clouds. The rumble of thunder threatened her prospects to simply take a walk home.

And then it poured, just as she guessed. She stood inside her apartment complex, watching as the raindrops fell against the ground. Puddles formed.

She pulled out her phone to tell him not to come, when she saw a pair of shoes appear in the corner of her eye. She looked up to find him, completely soaked in the rain.

"You really came." She whispered.

"You were the one who called me here." Shrest stood beside her, glancing at the heavy rain, wiping off the wetness from his jacket.

Sana noted his clothes. "Were you outside when I called?"

Shrest nodded. "Meeting with the organizers for the exhibition."

Sana's eyes jumped to his. "Sorry, did I disturb-"

"You're never a disturbance. Although it would have been better if you hadn't refused a car."

Sana felt a hint of a smile playing at her lips. Her heart beat faster as she thought about what she was about to do. She needed to do this. She couldn't always be at the receiving end. For once, she needed to take initiative.

Patting her hair, she started, "My mother told me I have this protective bubble around me. I only let in a few people."

Shrest listened.

"My mom, Mani, Vihan are part of this bubble. You...somehow sneaked your way in."

Shrest turned to her, a teasing grin illuminating his face. "So that's how you're going about this? I sneaked my way in? You're reducing our friendship to that?"

"Listen to me fully. My mom was talking about that to me. Then...I finally opened the present you gave me on my birthday. My eighteenth birthday."

"I knew you hadn't opened it before." Shrest said, a resigned tone.

"Don't get me wrong. It wasn't on purpose. I had genuinely forgotten about it, given how hectic things were. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize."

"I should." She glanced at his blank face. This was not going well. "Anyways, what I meant to say is, it put a lot of things into perspective for me. I've had time to think."

Another pause. Another glance.

"My point is, you are already in my bubble. But...I want to offer you a different position in it. Right now, you're my close friend. But you can re-enter my bubble as...my boyfriend."

She dared not look at him, her heart thundering against her chest, in sync with the rain outside.

"Look at me."

She looked at him, butterflies creating a ruckus in her chest.

He turned to her and cupped her face in his. "Remember this. 10:45 am. Thursday. June 11th. We are dating as of this instance. Alright?"

A slow smile crept on her face. Then, it turned into a full blown grin. "Alright. I'll remember."

They gazed at each other's eyes taking in the raw happiness and excitement, making their hearts beat faster. Shrest glanced down at her lips and inched closer, pressing his lips on it.

He kissed her. He couldn't stop. She couldn't stop. Tugging on his hair, Sana tried to pull him closer to her when she heard the clearing of a throat.

The two jumped apart. Her mother stood there with an umbrella.

"I thought I'd bring you two umbrellas." She said, as the two avoided her eyes, cheeks red.

"I take it you two are dating now?"

Sana nodded, quietly.

"Good. We've been waiting for awhile."


Sana looked up to find Nina and Bharat Gupta standing right there, watching them in amusement. Oh lord.

"Finally my son does something right." Nina said, adding only more embarrassment for the new couple.

Sana and Shrest peeked at each other. Slowly, their hands intertwined as the adults around them laughed and conversed.

I'm happy to be in your bubble.

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wordcount: 711 words

author's note: 'I'm happy to be in your bubble' would make for an interesting book title.

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