16 | rental apartments

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Sana stared at the building before her. It wasn't exactly an apartment complex. It was just a single building with one house on each floor. She could bet each house would be pretty large.

How could the rent for such a large house be only 1000?

"Sir, are you sure the rent for this house is 1000?"

The agent next to her glanced at her, "It's not the house whose rent is 1000. It's the room. I believe there are three rooms and the owner of the house is willing to rent out a room. The rooms will be pretty big with bathrooms of its own."

Sana blinked. "You never told me this. I thought I was renting the entire apartment."

The agent scratched his head. "I guess it slipped my mind."

Sana sent a glare in his direction. After a few moments, she posed another question. "Are there no other apartments available for the rent I asked for?"

"The starting rent prices in the city are 2000, ma'am. Very few assent below that."

Just how far up had the rent prices shot up in Pulan? Sana heaved a sigh. If her landlord hadn't sent her an eviction notice, she would be curled up in bed, watching the latest series on her TV.

But, here she was, under the scorching sun, with absolutely no cool breeze to provide her with even a little respite from the heat.

"Ah, the owner is here."

A sedan pulled over. After a moment, the door to the driver's seat opened and Sana's eyes landed on the one person she didn't want to see.


Shrest smiled at her, not at all surprised to see her. "What a surprise."

Sana, "..."

At least, mean whatever you say.

"Let me take you inside."

Shrest slipped his key into the keyhole and pushed open the door.

It was a beautiful house. There was excellent furnishing and interior design with many plants placed around the house - some artificial, some real. There were wooden wishbone chairs and a white colour sofa in the living room, facing the TV directly. Towards its left was a kitchen, green-themed. It very much resembled a cottage.

"This is my room. And that's my in-built art studio." Shrest gestured, throwing his keys on the sofa. "That will be your room."

Said room was right next to his and only a little away, diagonally from the art studio. Sana tentatively pushed the door open.

It was lovely. There was a huge bay window in her room and light, white curtains. Sunlight streamed into the room without hindrance, landing on the wide, circular bed. The bed too had curtains around it. There was a desk, a little away from the foot of the bed, and an open book shelf next to it.

"It's amazing." She said, honestly. She turned around to find Shrest leaning against her doorway and watching her. She peeked around to find the agent was nowhere around.

"What did you do?" She asked.

Shrest only widened his eyes, tilting his head.

"Cut the crap. I know you did something. It can't be a mere coincidence."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"This is a beautiful house and it's worth a lot. Even I can see that. But, you're only demanding a rent of 1000. What's with that?"

Shrest said nothing, for a while, gazing at her with a light smile. Then, he turned around, sauntering to the kitchen.

"If you want the room, take it."

Sana narrowed her eyes. He was still very good at evading questions.

"What about your muse? Won't she be bothered by you having a female tenant living with you?"

Shrest stared at her for a moment. He seemed confused. Then, the confusion slipped into an expression of realization. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out two colas and poured it into respective glasses. "She's not my girlfriend. Yet. I don't think she will be bothered with you staying here."

Sana's eyebrows scrunched. "Who is your muse anyways?"

Shrest watched her, sipping his cola and gesturing to the other glass. She picked up the glass and sipped it, sighing.

"So? Are you going to rent this room?"

It was a no-brainer for Sana.

"Of course."

Shrest nodded. The agent re-appeared thoroughly impressed with the house. "As expected of an artist. Even his house is an artwork."

Shrest smiled. "She'll be renting the room."

The agent glanced at her and nodded. "Good. Good."

"I'll move in a little later. Sir, how much should I pay you-"

The agent hurriedly shook his head. "No money. No money."


"No payment. This is free."

Sana ran an eye over him, confused. Wasn't he the one who said he will be taking a payment of 500?

"Well...alright. Then, I guess I'll get going." Sana slung her bag on her shoulder, once more casting a confused eye on the agent.

"Tell me when you're going to be moving in."

"Okay." And she left the house.

Shrest cleaned up the glasses and glanced at the agent, who was staring in his direction. "Calm down. I'm not going to cheat you out of what I promised."

He pulled out his purse and handed 2 five hundred note bills.

"Thank you, sir." The agent grinned widely and skipped away.

Shrest leaned against the countertop of his kitchen and sighed. The lengths he has to go for that one girl...

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wordcount: 844 words

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