Chapter 1: Him.

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Reminder: they're 18

*As Mysterion and The Coon leave the house, they sneakily but fastly move to the place where Professor Chaos is causing trouble.*

The Coon: Stop being so loud! Mysterion: What are you talking about, I'm more quieter than you since your footsteps are causing a fucking earthquake across the city. *he scoffed and rolled his eyes*

The Coon: Shut up poor boy. Anyways, we're here.

Mysterion: Took us long enough, since your weight is somehow slowing us down. I could've got here faster if you weren't here.

The Coon: Shut the fuck up dude, he's gonna hear us. *The Coon secretly pointed to Professor chaos, who was sneakily entering the bank without setting off any alarms. "God why is that so hot? How he's so smart and sneaky at doing things. "mysterion." And how good he is at being a supervillain- "MYSTERION HELLO??" *the coon said waving his arms around Mysterion face so he could stop daydreaming.*

The Coon: Dude can you stop staring into space and at least say something?

Mysterion: Uh- yeah whatever. "Why was I thinking that?.. goddamit Mysterion, he's your fucking enemy. Get your head in the game." He thought to himself.

*they quietly went in front of the bank and started to enter a different way that Professor Chaos did. As they entered, they saw Professor Chaos talking with General Disarray, not knowing that The Coon and Mysterion arrived.*

Professor chaos: Mwah-ha-ha-ha! This will be the best crime and evil plan I've ever created! *he said while setting up the bomb on the bank vault.* Once we bust this vault up, we'll be rich in no time, heha!

"God, that laugh is so hot.. seeing him take pride in what he's doing makes me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach, even though it's bad, I don't really care right now... Jesus Christ Mysterion! Again?! Keep. Your. Head. In. The. Game. And. Finish. Your. Mission." He thought to himself.

*he then snapped out of his thoughts and continued listening to their conversation.*

General Disarray: Uh- yes indeed! We'll be super rich!

*Professor chaos  was humming to himself as he set up the bomb and he finally stood up*

Professor chaos: ah-ha! Finally! Now our plan may go into place! *as he was about to press the button to blow up the vault, it was knocked out of his hands*

Professor chaos: w-what the- *he turned around and as soon as he did, Mysterion gave a punch at him but he dodged it. "I guess my parents helped with these reflexes.. I would always have to dodge their punches when I got grounded... cmon, focus professor chaos." he thought to himself as he sent a punch back to Mysterion.

Mysterion: gah!- *Mysterion got punched in the gut, not too hard for him to cough out blood though. He was on the floor, grunting like he got kicked in the balls but quickly got up and threw a punch back at Professor Chaos mid-stumbling so it didn't go as planned. He accidentally punched Professor Chaos in his balls as he yelped in pain and crouched on the floor.*

Professor Chaos: F-fuck dude! (Don't be surprised that butters cussed, cmon dude, they grew up.)

*as Professor chaos was on the ground, mysterion looked behind him. "Goddamit, Cartman abandoned the mission and left me to deal with it! That fat bastard!" He thought to himself as he turned to look at Professor Chaos, but he wasn't there.

"Shit! I let my guard down!" He thought to himself as he turned in multiple directions, looking for Professor Chaos. But as soon as he turned around, he was right there behind him and he knocked Mysterion out while smirking evilly.*

*at Professor chaos's lair*

*mysterion slowly woke up, his vision being blurry but ti got better as he was getting more conscious now. He then realized he was tied on a chair. He then saw Professor chaos at his desk, with a giant blueprint on the wall of multiple evil plans he was creating since Mysterion prevented the other one.*

*Profoessor Chaos then turned around and walked closer to Mysterion*

Professor Chaos: Ah, I see your awake hm? "Damn, why is he so hot?.." Mysterion thought to himself as he replied. Mysterion: Obviously. Professor Chaos: A bit sassy, eh? Anyways I bet you're wondering why I dragged you over here. You would've thought we've just have a full on fight but I have better plans..

*Professor Chaos saw Mysterion's face get a little red and his eyes lit up a little. He didn't think much of it since he was still butters behind that helmet either way.

Professor Chaos: I have evil plans for you indeed..eheheh.. " god, i love his laugh.." Mysterion through to himself a he tried to hide his blush.*

Professor Chaos: Hmm should I try to find out your identity, Mysterion? *he said as he leaned closer to Mysterion's face, inspecting him.*

*Mysterion blushed a little but he was good at hiding it.* Mysterion: You can't and won't be able to find out who I am. Professor Chaos: oh is that so? *he said as he was about to lift off Mysterion's mask but Mysterion cut the ropes somehow and kicked Professor chaos.

"G-gah!" *Professor chaos said as he held his stomach. But his yelp of pain just sounded as a moan. Mysterion stopped in his tracks, bushed a little, but got his head out of thinking that trying to focus.*

"Oh? Seems like I caught him off guard. But how?.." Professor Chaos thought as he stood back up, and getting into a fighting stance.

*they both started punching,kicking, and fighting until, Professor chaos accidentally stumbled and ripped a chunk out of Mysterion's shirt, revealing his chest. They couldn't help but both blush.*

Professor Chaos: oh uh... sorry... *out of nowhere, Professor Chaos got knocked out by Human Kite, who just pinched a nerve behind his neck to make him pass out.*

Musterion: Oh, your here! You know that Coon literally left me to deal with Professor Chaos all by myself?

Human Kite: Yeah I would've expected that but, why is your whole chest showing?

Mysterion: Professor Chaos accidentally ripped it off. No biggie.

Human Kite: Ok then, let's head to Stan's house to play games and uh, I'll fix that for you.

Mysterion: Thanks. Uh also, where do we put Professor Chaos?

Human Kite: Just put him sitting on his desk, I bet he won't mind. We don't know his house or who he is anyways so we can't do anything about it.

Mysterion: Your right, well what are we waiting for? Cmon let's go! *as Human Kite left the secret lair, which wasn't in his house, Mysterion could,don't help but leave a note:* "Mysterion was here" and he put it on Professor Chaos's helmet.

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