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He ruled a realm where starlight never shone,
Lord of the Dead, upon his darkened throne.
His heart a tomb, his touch an icy sigh,
King of the Underworld, where whispered echoes died.

And then came she, not with a blossom's grace,
But a radiant warmth that pierced his shadowed space.
Persephone, a beacon in the eternal night,
Her laughter chased the darkness with its fearless light.

She saw past his shadows, the loneliness within,
A hidden heart beneath his cold, immortal skin.
He found in her a fire no tomb could hold,
A spark of sunshine in a realm of ancient old.

She saw the forgotten dreams beneath his mournful gaze,
The lonely king lost in an endless, starless maze.
He treasured her defiance, the blaze in her soul,
A radiance that flickered where no stars could stroll.

But even Persephone, with her luminescent grace,
Held whispered secrets of the shadowed, silent space.
A strength born of twilight and wisdom beyond the sun,
Queen of the Underworld she would become.

Perhaps when Orpheus came, with lyre and tearful song,
Hades saw their love mirrored, youthful and strong.
A flicker of pity, a rare and fleeting grace,
A glimpse of what he held in his own shadowed space.

Their love was a paradox of starlight and tombs,
A testament that passion in the deepest darkness blooms.
So the God of Endings found his soul reborn in her embrace,
And Persephone, in his darkness, did find her place

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