⟣𝗖hapter 27

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⟣•27•⟢ (Part 1)

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Leo looked a little uncomfortable, but one couldn't see it in the dim night. He threw a glance at Xiào Mu and said solemnly, "Don't be too happy, I just don't like wasting food."

Really now? Xiào Mu restrained a smile in his heart, he won't believe it. With Leo's character, if he really didn't like it, he would just throw it away. He wouldn't wrong himself to finish it. Moreover, this deliberate act of returning a jar, this jarring behavior is a bit weird no matter how you think about it!

Xiào Mu tentatively said, "The next time I made more biscuits, I will give some to you. Will you eat it?"

Leo suddenly felt that Xiào Mu, whose physical ability was extremely poor, is very pleasing to his eyes. He replied with restraint, "The upbringing of the Arnold family taught me not to refuse the kindness of others."

Like I ever believe that! Xiào Mu looked at the Leo with a serious expression and felt compelled to believe it if he didn't know the truth. Unfortunately, he is quite experienced in dealing with this kind of awkward personality. Xiào Mu met several kids acting cool before who wanted to show that they are different from other kids by not eating desserts. When he saw them sneakily eating the food, they would sullenly say that because the snacks were sent by the doctor uncle, they have to give him face and eat it.

"That's great," he smiled crookedly, "the next time I send it to you, please don't refuse it."

Xiào Mu's face was not very clear in the night, but his eyes were very bright. Leo looked at his eyes and faintly replied, "Okay."

Xiào Mu thought of his bakery shop that is about to open, and asked, "Is the taste of the biscuits I made too strong for sentinel?" Sentinel has developed 5 senses, and he doesn't know if everyone can eat the biscuits he makes. His bakery is aimed at all groups of people after all.

"No," Leo thought of the biscuits he had eaten not long ago, and his Adam's apple moved slightly. His gaze fell to Xiào Mu's eyes that are seeking answers, and he snorted softly, "Level S sentinel can control their spiritual power freely, hence could strengthen and weaken 5 senses at will."

"Of course," Leo raised his eyebrows, "Lower-level sentinels do not have enough control over their spiritual power, especially those sentinels that are still in the White Tower. They can't control their five senses and the senses will be enlarged infinitely. Hence, they can only eat special food. As for the sentinels who graduated from the White Tower, it's no problem for them to live like ordinary people. If they can't control their tastebuds and greedily ate something, they are the ones suffering." After Leo said that, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Who other sentinel are you going to give the biscuits?"

Xiào Mu shook his head and took the opportunity to advertise his shop, "I opened a bakery on the virtual net, and I was worried that it would not meet the customers' appetite."

Leo stared at Xiào Mu's smiling face. Thinking of his life experience, Leo's heart felt moved slightly. Although this person is weak, he... is very self-reliant.

"Just drop the intensity of taste for every raise of level, aren't that good enough?" After speaking, Leo turned and walked toward his room at the next building.

Xiào Mu smiled. Indeed, the biscuits should be made with different sweetness and saltiness. Ordinary people like different tastes as well. He looked down at the jar in his hand, opened the lid, and smelled it. The remaining milk scent wafted out, and the corners of Xiào Mu's mouth couldn't help but curve up. It turns out that Major General Leo likes to eat sweets!

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