⟣𝗖hapter 20

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Leo looked at Xiào Mu’s face and grinned, “One part of your face is darker and the other is lighter. One of your eyebrows is drawn high, while the other lower; wide, and narrow. Can anyone grow naturally like this?”

Xiào Mu sighed, “Is it so obvious? I’ve been busying in front of the mirror for a long time. But you can tell it at a glance?”

Leo: “Anyone can see it if they are not blind.”

Xiào Mu sat down, took a depressing sip of the juice. Then he couldn’t help asking, “Is it conspicuous? Will this look attract people’s attention on the road?”

“So ugly, who would look at you?” Leo glanced at Xiào Mu and continued to eat.

Xiào Mu’s eyes lit up immediately and he smiled, “That’s great then. That’s great.”

Leo finished eating and wiped his mouth, “Your brain got a problem? You have such a bad sense of aesthetic.”

Because Xiào Mu was in a good mood, he didn’t mind Leo’s words at all, “I did it on purpose so that no one would notice me.”

Hearing that, Leo’s eyes flashed and he lowered his voice, “Are you afraid of encountering problems like yesterday?”

Xiào Mu uttered an En, then said, “I don’t have the ability to protect myself for the time being should I encounter that kind of thing again. So I can only think of a way to make people take lesser attention at me.” As Xiào Mu said, the corners of his mouth were curved downwards. A big man like him had fallen to this point, it makes him felt really helpless.

Leo furrowed his eyebrows and said solemnly, “I have jurisdiction over the security of District A. Yesterday was an accident. I won’t let this happen again.”

Xiào Mu looked at Leo in surprise and thought of his military rank. Then he realized those words were normal, “No matter how strict the jurisdiction is, the people’s mind is hard to control. I have noted down the number for emergency yesterday. It would be nice if the policemen could dispatch right away after getting the call.”

Leo pondered for a moment, “You are right.”

Xiào Mu smiled. Thinking of today’s arrangements, he said to Leo, “Just send me to the public flight station today.”

“Not going to the hospital?”

“En, I quit my job. I am going to walk around have a look before school time starts. You know, I forgot a lot of things. I’m too unfamiliar with this place.”

Leo: “Up to you.”

After eating, Xiào Mu went directly to Wilderness Forest.

Wilderness Forest is a scenic spot where one could directly go via public transportation. When Xiào Mu bought a ticket, he received a message that the social assistance he applied for has been approved. Smiling, he lined up behind a group of adults taking their children to visit the place. Xiào Mu found that many families consist of 2 men with their children, and their actions were intimate. Thinking of the marital status here, he smiles deeper. He has decided that when he becomes an adult, has a stable income, and has enough ability to ensure that his identity will not be discovered by others. he might go find someone to accompany him to old age.

After entering the scenic spot, Xiào Mu did not follow the flow of tourists walking down the conventional route but went to a remote road. Climbing the mountain takes a lot of energy. He walked for a while and rested, and when he couldn’t hear any human voices, he sat cross-legged behind a big tree and started making medicine. He spent 1,040 points of his spiritual power to make 52 mid-grade healing pills. Then he ate 1, and put the rest into porcelain bottles, adding up to exactly 150 pills with the previous batch. Then, he spent 500 points of spiritual power to make 50 low-grade boost pills. When the small light blue pills fell into the mortar, a mechanical voice sounded in his brain.

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