Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 – The Interrogation

Adela was tired. She sighed and decided to take a relaxing hot bath. She emerged into the steaming water and sat in the tub, thinking what had just happened. Was it Margaret and Thea? Could it be? She washed her face and thought hard. At last, after ten minutes, she gave up. She stood up and wrapped herself in a towel. Slowly, she dressed up in a long black mermaid dress.

As she walked out of her closet, Ethan already stood beside her desk, on his I-pad, as usual.

As Adela walked to the table, he looked up.

"The ones on the right are for signing. The ones on the left are-"

"Look at them yourself. I'll sign these," Adela mumbled, looking at the pile of papers.

Ethan nodded and looked at her.

"What?" Adela asked.

"You have thirty minutes," he said, "Until First Master has asked for everyone to meet in the hall."

"I know," Adela uttered, leaning on her hand.

Ethan nodded and continued looking at his screen. Adela sometimes wondered what was so interesting in it.

"Done," Adela said after ten minutes of continuously signing papers.

Ethan merely nodded and picked them up.

"Don't forget-"

"Yes, I know, Ethan. You do not need to remind me the meeting for a fourth time."

"Fifth," he said, leaving the room.

"Jerk," Adela shouted.

Adela closed her eyes. She will have to listen to Magnus's anger and yapping in five minutes.

She slowly got up and walked down the circular staircase and then another long straight one. She turned around a corner and saw Edmund standing alone, deep in thought. Adela was shocked to see him without food for the first time. She walked to him and nudged him in the stomach.

"Ow," he said, clutching his stomach. "What was that for?"

"Your thinking was annoying me," Adela replied, shrugging.

Edmund sighed.

"What's wrong?" Adela asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Magnus is very ang-"

"I know. There's nothing much we can do. Also, I'll need some...assistance, if things go sightly not as planned..." Adela continued.

"No," Edmund said sternly. "I'm not taking the blame for you again."

"You have to," Adela said, laughing.

"Just because you are my elder sister, I can't take the blame for you each-"

"Twenty thousand," Adela said nonchalantly, "Along with three sugared dark chocolates."

"I need more chocolates," Edmund frowned.

"Don't step outside the boundaries, Edd. Magnus already banned chocolates for us all because of you. I need to sneak in some."

"Fine," Edmund said, folding his arms.

Adela looked around and then took out four bars of dark chocolate.

"How did you-"

"Shut up," Adela hissed, handing him the chocolates.

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