Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 – Not a Coward

Adela panted. She heard several gun shots and moved the hair from her eyes. She stood up. Magnus and Edmund were already up, although Adela was sure they had been pushed out of the way too. She felt a liquid moving past her feet. She looked down to see a red liquid making its way across the marble floor.

Blood. It was blood. She looked around quickly and saw Magnus falling to the ground beside a man on the floor, groaning in pain. Adela slowly made her way to the man, who so fearlessly and bravely took five bullets from the snipers positioned by her father.

As Magnus flipped him over, Adela fell to her knees, too.

It was Andrew.

"N-No," Adela whispered. "Y-You'll be a-alright."

She put Andrew's head on her lap and held him close.

"I don't-" he managed; "-I don't regret."

His voice was terrifying. It was hoarse and deep as if someone sliced his throat.

"Don't speak," Edmund said, taking off his shirt and stopping the bleeding from his wound.

Andrew slowly moved his head and his warm light brown eyes met Magnus's icy blue ones.

"I didn't leave you all. I-" he breathed; "-I knew this would happen. It was to protect you all. I didn't go abroad. Am I...still a ...coward?"

"No," Magnus whispered. "Stop talking non-sense."

"But am I still a coward?" he insisted.

"No, Andrew. You're not a coward," Magnus said, tears flooding his eyes.

"That's good then."

He then moved his head to Adela who was drenched in tears.

"Andrew, stop talking your wound-"

"Adela, don't blame yourself for this. It was my choice. It was my decision. Don't make it seem bad now," he said hoarsely.


"Edmund, you look like dad. Magnus, give him his chocolates back," he said. Edmund smiled amidst the tears streaming down his pale skin. "I got revenge. For Eurus. Look. Into. My. Room."

Saying that, Adela felt his head fall to his side.

"Andrew," she said. "ANDREW!"

Magnus extended a shaking hand to his brother's life-less face and closed his eyes, which fell to the back of his head.

"Adela," someone said after an hour. "Let him go."

It was Magnus. His eyes were red. Every vein in his forehead visible.

"It can't be. He can't be d-dead," she sobbed, pulling Andrew closer.

"Adela," Magnus said again, this time more sternly.

Adela let go of her elder brother's body. Why? Why did Edward do this?

"WHY?" Adela screamed, punching the wall.

Her knuckles bled. Magnus watched her and gulped. He looked away and hugged Andrew for the last time as the ambulance arrived.

"Go home. With Edmund," he whispered, "I'll take care of this."

Edmund picked her up slowly. She leaned onto him for support and stopped near the iron doors. She saw her father's figure lying on the floor. He was once the person Adela loved most in the world. He disgusted her. She slowly walked to him and stomped on his face. Blood gushed out of his mouth.

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