Location: Xitlalachu, No Man's Land - 1710
While she had stayed there she had seen many things change in the lands. More people came to make settlements near theirs. Now in human appearance she had no reason to be too cautious of them. They had gone to the nearby makeshift market and they looked around for supplies. She glanced up hearing Mael's voice, she quickly looked down seeing as he didn't speak to her but a woman at one of the shops. She stood up straight making her way to him, she had watched many people interact during these years so she did what she thought was best. "Dear, I've grown tired. Can we return home?" She said as Mael stared at her for a moment. "Yes, in a bit. You can go ahead and start walking. I'll catch up." He said as she glanced at the girl who chuckled a bit.
"...No," She said as he turned back to her. "No?" Mael asked, confused. "You're mine right?" She asked as he became red. "Yours? Um, well I'm-" he began but found no words to say as she furrowed her brows. "Very well, I'll find something else to call mine," she said walking through the crowd. "Who is she?" The girl asked, chuckling as Mael looked to the ground. "She's- I'm sorry I have to make sure she gets home okay," He said, going after Xochimtl.
He used his magic and pulled her back. "Where are you going? Our home is that way?" Mael said as Xochimtl turned to him. "Our? It is your home, I stayed long enough it's making me lose myself," She said as he shook his head. "No, don't leave, Where would you go?" He said as she looked at the magic that kept her close to her. "Since when can you do magic?" She asked as he released the spell. "...Always, I don't like using it but that's not the problem. You won't leave, there isn't a place where you would be equally as safe as you are next to me," He said as she looked away. "Mael, I cannot stay. I have fallen for you and that cannot be I have lost my mind, this transformation has made me believe I am someone I am not," She said as he hugged her tightly. "If you have lost yours I have lost mine equally as well. Xochimtl, Please stay with me there is nothing that says we cannot love one another and if someone does I'll be sure to get that taken care of," He said as he softly put his hand on her cheek.
There was a fire in his gaze, one she hadn't seen before. Something that made her believe she could be safe like he claimed.
They returned home and set things down. "Mael... why don't you like your magic?" She asked as he sighed. "I was a soldier for the Lavin Kingdom, They used me for my fire magic. It's not magic that is used to make things, it's one to burn things down, to burn people. They called me the "sun of the people" and used me for a fear tactic, they had a group of us, they still have some more but I- I refused to continue that work and in punishment they sent me here to work in the mines," He said as she hugged him. "It's not punishment, it is destiny that brought you and me here," She said, kissing him.
They grew closer and soon had papers signed for marriage. With Xochimtl looking as she did, no one ever thought she was anything more than an Avian, the concern began to grow when she became aware that she was expecting. She grew sick, if anything went wrong she would be in trouble. She knew she would have twins. It was something all dragons had but if they were like her they would be dragons and her human body will not be able to go through with it. "I don't think I'll be able to be human here... I need to find a way to change into a dragon," She said as he wrapped his arms around her. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"I need to hatch the babies, I need to be a dragon. After I can return and change back but as I am now... I won't survive this way," She said as got quiet. "And how do you change back?" He asked. "I don't know? I don't even know how I became this way to begin with," She said as glanced over at some of the stones he had. "...It was when I brought the Gaspeite gem, if I bring more do you think it'll change you back?" He asked as she tried to think. "Maybe, but how will you get more, last time was pure luck," She said as he furrowed his brow slightly. "I'll get you what you need, don't worry. I'll try to learn transformation spells on the way in case it doesn't work," He said as she nodded. "Okay my love," She said smiling trying to hide her concern.
Dragon Origin: Scales Kingdom's Rise
FantasyTwo sisters , Zaila and Irie are placed with the destiny to bring together two distinct kingdoms must go through the hardships placed forth the long waited peace through any means necessary but is the pedestal they have been place worth the trouble?