butterfly 🦋

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Betty banged her head against the wall she just wanted the pain to end.
Betty felt the weight of the world 🌍 on her shoulders and panic raised in her throat.
Bettys dad had cancer and seeing her dad battling pain made her mad at god and the world.
Betty prayed but she heard no answer she cried in frustration.
God sat in heaven trying to break through the walls she put up he sent almond to help her cope.
Almond flew in her bedroom and Betty sat on her bed staring into the distance.
Almond came up to her and said I am a messager of god he has sent me to help you how can I help?.
Betty said
"Where is God not here."
"He is in my words he is in everyone he walks beside you dries your tears he won't let you face this alone."
Betty cried out
"Help me"
Almond hugged betty and held her until the crying eased almond sang a song stroking her hair
"Over the mountains and the seas your love flows like a river of love for me..."
Betty said
"I won't to sleep"
Betty laid down and fell asleep straight away
God came to her they were at a beach the waves crashed at bettys feet God said
"I will be here always my child."
A butterfly came into view and it landed on gods finger god said
"I take care of everything I love everything I love you"
Betty woke up refreshed and made her parents breakfast they joked and laughed about the times they shared together and Betty decided to make happy memories and cherish the time she spent with her dad and mum no more anger at the world.

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