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The little girl held her daddy's hand as she walked back to the car.
She saw a quartz on the ground and said to her daddy
"Look daddy a pretty stone can I please keep it."
Her daddy said
"Yes meg you can"
Meg picked it up and when she got home she put it on her window ledge hoping Tilly her cat wouldn't knock it off.
The years past she grew up and became a woman 👠 and when she sat for her final exam in year twelve after she graduated her parents went away on there trip around Australia up north to Darwin.
Six months went by and when she saw her dad again he brought home some dirt that he got from Aires rock and also a rock which changed colour when the sunshine hit it.
Today her mother rang her and said her dad had cancer and her heart broke and she said
"My heart has broken today."
Her dad said
"If it's time for me to go meg it's time for me to go.
Remember the good times we shared."
Meg sat on her bed holding the dirt and the rock and prayed for strength to leave it in gods hands to trust God and keep a positive addutude.

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