Act 1

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(At the Birling family's dining room table, the family is gathered for a celebratory dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Birling sit at one end, while Sheila, Eric, and Gerald sit on the other. The atmosphere is lively as they engage in conversation.)

Mr. Birling: "Well, what a splendid evening, eh? Good food, good company, can't ask for much more!"

Mrs. Birling: "Absolutely, Arthur. And the weather's been delightful too. Perfect for a summer dinner party."

Gerald: "Indeed, Mrs. Birling. And may I say, your daughter looks radiant tonight, Sheila."

Sheila: "Thank you, Gerald. I'm glad you think so."

Eric: (excitedly) "Yeah, speaking of looks, have you guys seen the latest fursuit designs? They're absolutely fantastic!"

(Sheila and Gerald exchange puzzled looks, while Mr. and Mrs. Birling continue their conversation, unaware of Eric's fascination with furry culture.)

Sheila: (whispering to Gerald) "Did Eric just say... fursuits?"

Gerald: (whispering back) "I think he did. Seems like he's really into that stuff."

Eric: (excitedly) "I've been thinking of getting one myself. It's such a creative way to express yourself!"

(Sheila and Gerald exchange amused glances, trying to contain their laughter as Eric continues to talk passionately about furry culture.)

Mr. Birling: "Eric, my boy, what on earth are you going on about? Fursuits? Is that some kind of new fashion trend?"

Eric: (sheepishly) "Uh, yeah, Dad. Something like that."

(Scene fades out as Eric tries to hide his enthusiasm for furry culture from his family, while Sheila and Gerald share a knowing smile.)

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