Act 2

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(The dining room door suddenly opens. Inspector Goole enters, dressed in formal attire. Eric, still trying to conceal his furry identity, tries to act normal but can't contain his excitement at the sight of the inspector. He starts to eagerly pant and rub against the inspector's leg, exhibiting furry mannerisms.)

Inspector Goole: (taken aback) "Um, good evening, everyone. I'm Inspector Goole. I've come to inquire about a young woman named Eva Smith..."

(Eric, unable to control his furry instincts, continues to exhibit playful behavior, much to the confusion of the inspector and the rest of the family.)

Eric: (panting excitedly) "Oh, hello there! You must be the inspector. It's so nice to meet you! Can I sniff around and help with the investigation?"

(Inspector Goole exchanges a puzzled look with Mr. and Mrs. Birling, while Sheila and Gerald try to stifle their laughter at Eric's behavior.)

Inspector Goole: (awkwardly) "Um, thank you, young man. That won't be necessary. I'm here to ask some questions about Eva Smith's unfortunate demise."

(Eric, still in his furry persona, continues to display his excitement, wagging his imaginary tail and eagerly approaching the inspector.)

Eric: "Oh, I love mysteries! Can I help solve it? I'm really good at sniffing out clues!"

(Mr. and Mrs. Birling exchange concerned glances, unsure of how to react to Eric's behavior. Sheila and Gerald try to maintain composure as they watch the unusual interaction unfold.)

Inspector Goole: (trying to maintain composure) "Thank you for your enthusiasm, young man. But I think it's best if you let me conduct the investigation. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

(The inspector continues with his questions, while Eric reluctantly steps back, trying to suppress his furry instincts. The scene fades out as the inspector's investigation progresses, with Eric struggling to keep his furry identity hidden.)

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