Chapter Thirty-Two

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Xina delicately lifted the ceiling tile, maneuvering it carefully to lay within the vent. She looked down at a room illuminated green by her goggles, yellow symbols immediately surrounding a metal box on the far end of the room.

She looked down at her glove and flexed her palm. 'Double checking equipment', yellow lights hummed to life on each pad of her finger and palm. They warped and pulled her hand towards the nearest metal wall. Steel micro-filaments extended from her finger tips in an instant, claws poised to reinforce her hold.  'Equipment ready.' She relaxed her hand and tapped her goggles, changing the room from night vision to inferred.

A red grid illuminated the room immediately, some running diagonally that hummed when she paid attention to it. Lasers that would no doubt alert everyone on the vicinity. Xina clicked her tongue. They were going to have to do better than that.

"Alright Fire-Weaver, can you lower me down?"  Xina looked over her shoulder at Weaver, her suit a much more muted saturation of brown and orange.

"I got you, kitty." She winked, anchoring the grappling line from her waist.

Xina slowly lowered herself down, careful to avoid the lasers as she descended ten feet from the office desks. This remote location of Stark-Fujikawa was supposed to be holding top secret artifacts and documents, now being stolen by Alchemax. They were supposed to be partnering with them to researching inter-dimensional travel, but the drive Xina had stolen from Spectre had revealed they were double crossing them and selling the research back to them instead of Alchemax.

So technically what she was stealing was rightfully theirs, but that wouldn't make the company any less angry. Miguel emphasized that Stark-Fuji could never have any evidence it was them who stole it, or it would ignite the already high tensions between Alchemax and Stark-Fuji. Heavens knew she'd rather chew on nails than stand the petty corporate war.

Xina placed one foot at a time on top of a desk. She unhooked her belt from the line and crouched down, mapping out the lasers. She was five meters away from the vault. Five meters of lasers between her and her bounty. She wasn't as agile as Esme or Miguel, but the modifications she added to her suit would definitely enhance her body close enough.

She took a deep breath, and began to maneuver through the lasers, ducking beneath, arching herself head over heels like threading a needle. But if she was the needle then this was deadly crochet.

"You got it, Z?" Her ear com lit up with Esme's voice.

"Just about to blow open the safe. Not literally." She smirked,

"Take it slow. We have an hour before the next patrol comes by."

"I know, thanks." She felt a buzz beneath her skin as she continued. She felt lighter- which shouldn't be a surprise since that's how she designed her suit, but finally testing it out in the field was different than just writing code.

She had spent tirelessly hours designing it, talking to her rubber ducky whenever she got stuck on if she should opt to the new hologram suits or stick with her unstable molecules, what kind of filament to use for the claws and so on. Not just for this one mission of course- all that time and resources wouldn't be wasted on just one theft. This would be the deciding factor however on how many more runs she could pull off.

Between this mission and going to the docks with Miguel, she was beginning to think her new favorite hobby was this late night game. Coding was fun, but being out on the field felt exhilarating. She could finally repay all the times she would watch Spider-man leap into danger for her, all the while not knowing it was Miguel.

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