Chapter One

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     I just started the day washing my dresses, like almost everyday, or picking apples. Queen Alice had announced that something new would be coming to Wonderland, but when she said it, shivers had went down my spine. I know I'm like other girls, but I feel a connection to Alice that doesn't feel right. Or wrong, either. But I don't mind. Alice probably doesn't even know that I exist, my father is just a local Baker man at the Mad Hatters tea shop, where he makes bread to company the tea, it was his idea, at first Mad Hatter didn't like it, but then it brought more customers, so then he did. I shake my head, clearing my silly thoughts. I scrub the dirty dress from yesterdays game at Peline academy. The boys were playing hurricane gliding, and sprayed me with dirt. I got pretty mad, because it got on my books too, but whatever. At least it was the after school game. So, now I decided I'd just wash all of them, along with my school uniform. My mother was out designing new dresses. I'm wearing one of hers right now, actually.

It was red, with a white tunic under, and on the the sleeves it had golden buttons. Along the breasts, it had gold flowers embroidered along, with gold buttons along the corset, and more embroidered vines and flowers along the waistline. The sleeves were long, they reached below my thighs. I also was wearing black Mary Jane shoes, with black soles. I had white lace socks on with it too. I loved this dress with all of my heart. Funny, since my last name is Heart. That's mainly why my family loves the color red. I mean, in Wonderland, everyone's mad. Right? I shook my head, my red burgundy hair falling around my shoulders in waves. I smiled, I loved everything about myself. What wasn't there to like?

I dropped the dress I was washing, bored with the work. I ran towards my room door, running down the spiral staircase. It seemed as though every step you took, you were in a different world, until you got too the bottom. It almost feels like you did teleport. I brushed away the dust that gained on my dress, and continued into the house. The white walls with paintings of Queen Alice, and the Cheshire cat. I walked along the red carpet, every step with a new painting from Alice's famous dream that created Wonderland two hundred years ago. But that was in Wonderland, Alice said that she came back two years later. Me and the Cheshire cat were friends, I sometimes went over to his place when I was bored, we'd get drunk on wine and catnip. But my family didn't know, so don't tell them.

I sometimes wonder if my mother and father prefer my sister, Phoebe. They honestly acted like it, and sure she got better grades, and didn't purposefully prank the kids at school. But who cares? School was canceled tomorrow because of Queen Alice's new announcement, so I could really cause some trouble, and see if Phoebe is really a goodie two shoe. I smiled mischievously, full lips folding inwards like the beginning of a snarl. I laughed at myself. Still walking towards the kitchen. "Mary Elizabeth Heart! Get down here this instant." I heard my mother call from the kitchen, I saw a broom begin to dance out into the hall. It jumped over too me, and whacked my forearm. "Ow!" I said, whacking it harder. "Mary, please don't have another fight with the broom again," My mother called, exhaustion carrying with her voice. Phoebe was eating cereal in the kitchen, her blonde hair falling in ringlets around her face. She still had her school uniform on, which was red instead of blue, like me, because she was eight. "Can you help me get ready for tomorrow, Mary?" My mother asked, piles of silk around her. I sighed, "sure."

"What'd ya need help with?" I asked.

"Well," she began, "you can start by sewing these two together." she handed me two pieces of pink fabric, I assumed it was a sleeve. "Uhm, okay." I grabbed a sewing needle and started on it, not really caring if I got it right or not. I know a lot of shops are going to be set up around the maze grounds for the announcement, it'll be crowded with people. Though, Alice had a weird request that every student wear their school uniform tomorrow, I didn't ask why, but it was kind of odd. At least I'll be there with my best friend, Clara, I glanced at my mom, she had dark circles under eyes, that definitely said she hadn't slept in days. I clenched my teeth, glancing at Phoebe who was still eating her cereal. "Get over here and help!" I called at her. It took her a second to register that I was talking to her. "Why?" she asked, not looking at me. " Cause' you never do anything. And mom needs help." She rolled her eyes, I was about to say something else but then mom interrupted, "Mary, I can't do this right now, just help okay." her voice had an edge to me that she wouldn't be persuaded. I rolled my eyes back at Phoebe. My mother had bright white hair, and a set of large blue eyes. She had perfect skin for her age. Well, most people in Wonderland were beautiful. Even at an old age. I started sewing, my hair falling around my face. I didn't really want to help with this right now, like at all. So, I started doing it wrong, I did love my Mother, I really did, and this definitely wasn't helping her, but... I had to meet up with Clara, I promised I'd hang out with her today, and doing this wasn't helping. I sewed through the dress, redoing threads, and going wrong directions. My Mother gasped, "Uh-Mary!-No!-Just-just, go!" She ripped the dress from my hands and I held my hands up in mock surrender, "Sorry," I said, standing from my chair. The broom whacked me harder, and I knocked it too the ground. Walking towards the door, I opened it, and "accidentally" slammed it shut. Walking out on the fluffy flowers in our front yard, and the big streets of town. The houses were lopsided, some upside down some underground. I didn't want to tell my parents where I was going, well, because, I'd probably get grounded for the rest of my life. Me and Clara were going to the Bubblin' Troubln' Winery. It was where most of the "bad" academy kids went too when they were bored, or wanted to party. I probably should have changed, but whatever. Horses and carriages went across the dirt road, and I could see the large castle towering over the big village, and trees. The Winery was at the Cheshirecat's place. Well, near his place. It was underground, and the guards were supposed to keep us youth out, but ended up getting drunk and falling asleep on duty. Those stupid cards. The place wasn't too far from here, actually. I spotted the forest and ran in, the darkness taking over immediately.

I saw Clara waiting next to the entrance of the Winery. Her jaw-length blonde hair and sharp features made her look really sophisticated, but really, she gets the most drunk out of all of our friends. She had large pink eyes, and was wearing a skimpy white dress. If my mother caught me here, I would for sure be dead. She saw me and raised an eyebrow. "What'd you doing in that dress?" she asked, "don't you wanna be fu-" I intervened, "nah, no idiot boy is worth my time. Besides, if they want me, they'll have to come and get me." She shrugged, "alright." We walked inside the winery, and it wasn't as chaotic as normal, people were sitting down with their boyfriends, or drinking and eating Atsap. A type of noodle with Oderfla sauce. I glanced at Clara, but she didn't return my gaze, rather, she put her fluffy coat on, and walked over to an empty table and sat down. Some waiters came by and asked if we wanted a drink to start, I just asked for the usual. Some Red Wine, Clara asked for the same. It wasn't too long before we got our drinks.

Me and Clara downed it in a couple of gulps, she laughed, "What?" I asked, confused. She shrugged, "man, I haven't felt this good in days." I could already tell she was getting drunk. I felt a little woozy in the head too. I asked for more.

We laughed and joked for what seemed like hours, wine our new necessity. Clara stood up, wine splattered on her dress. "Ya know what I wanna do?" She asked, tapping my nose. I laughed hysterically, "what?" Everyone here seemed drunk now, and she flew out her arms, "Go play outside!" I laughed, "with the birdies?"

"Yes! Yes! The birdies!" Oh! How wonderful! Playing with the birdies while we sang and danced! She hooked an arm around mine and we skipped outside, giggling and knocking over glass bowls, cups, and vases. My legs felt like jello. I looked at Clara, "will I ever be as pretty as you!?" I asked, a weird bubbly noise to my voice. She chuckled, "no!" We skipped outside and flopped on the ground, the sky already dark. "Oh look its a birdie." I said, staring at the sky, Clara nodded, "a shiny birdie too!" We stared at the sky for awhile before I saw Clara snoring, and I felt my own eyes drooping into sleep.

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