Chapter Two

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I woke up groggy, and with a pounding head. I rubbed my eyes, and saw Clara doing the same. I groaned, the sun hitting my eyes, and flopping back down. "What did we do?" I asked, dragging out the words. "I don't know!" She said, with the same groggy voice as mine. I blinked, there was something I was forgetting. Like...-Frick! I stood up regretting it immediately. I almost fell over if I hadn't rested against a nearby tree. I rubbed my eyes. My mom was going to kill me. Like, literally. I cursed myself, stomping the grass. Clara stood up, her makeup smeared, and her dress ruined from the grass. I looked at mine, at least it wasn't that ruined. "Do your parents care?" I ask.


"Like, that you went out to drink?" She shrugs.

"They know, they aren't as strict as your parents. I'll help you get back, without getting in trouble."

Shaking my head I say, "that'll be even more suspicious. I'll sneak in, and hope the house doesn't betray me." She laughs at that, and I give a small smile. I think about the way the house seems to hate me. Clara and I still seem a little drunk, and it doesn't help that my headache is intensifying. I wave goodbye to Clara who is going the opposite direction to her house. I sigh, hoping I don't get grounded, which is unlikely. As I stumble foreword, I know that my house isn't too far. I'll just get in my nice comfy bed... Then I remembered. The ceremony that Queen Alice is holding. I smack my forehead.

Groaning, I keep walking until I see my house. I smile, and try running, which ends up with me face down in the mud. I just, sit there for a second. Then eventually I get up, opening the door, I hear it shifting until my parents are standing right in front of me. And they are not happy. I give a stupid wave, and want to slap myself. I walk inside and close the door, and almost immediately my dad freaks. "Where have you been! We've been freaking out all night because we thought you got kidnapped along with Clara!" I wince, his yelling making my headache flare. "Sorry- I uh..." I mutter, then my mom jumps in. "I don't care if you have an explanation, what were you doing?" I want to tell her that 'what I was doing' is an explanation, but I'm not looking forward to a life in Hell.

"Uh, I slept outside?" It's not entirely a lie.

"I talked with Clara's mom and they said she went to the pub. Or rather the Cheshire Cat's Bubblin' Troubln' Winery!" I grimaced. "Would you like to explain? How long have you been doing this getting drunk with that bit-"

"Mom, It was nothing, I just went and had a few shots that's all."

My mom and dad spoke in unison, "that's all?!" it echoed through the house, and Phoebe walked in, a smirk plastered on her perfect face. "I think you should ground her, she was a very bad girl." I growl at her, but my mom cuts me off.

"Thank you Phoebe, I was just getting to that." I blink, I knew this was coming I just didn't think it would come from my idiot of a sister.

"Your grounded. For a month. Well, after the ceremony, but after that nothing after school! Nothing, oh and you get Phoebe's chores!" I groan, but I know better than to argue. I walk up the stairs and my dad calls after me, "make sure you put on your school uniform! And no wandering off! I want you with us during the ceremony not with that stupid friend of yours!" I hear them, but I guess my dumb brain doesn't register it completely.

I quickly grab my school uniform. I love the way they made them instead of the cliche short skirt, its trousers silk vest and white button up shirt and tie. My color is blue, so everything is blue except for the white shirt. I leave on my Mary Jane shoes, not wanting to change them. Besides, the academy isn't very strict on shoes. I go to the bathroom and blink at my reflection. My hair is knotted, and my makeup is smeared all over my face. Grabbing a tissue, I wipe my face clean. I apply red lipstick after eyeliner mascara and other things that give me that dark feminine look. I look dangerous. Good. Smiling, I brush my hair, and pull it into a slick back ponytail with white snap clips.

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