Chapter Five

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The sword felt right in my hands, it fit. It made me feel powerful, and of course while were practicing Sylvia knocked me down multiple times, my limp slowing me down, by a lot. Sylvia had made everyone else change into training clothes, as did I. They weren't very comfortable, but they worked well enough. they were red bodysuits with many pockets. Our feet were bear in here, and it was cold.

Evangeline and everybody else was practicing with their mentors now, and when I fell down her laughs echoed through the room. Evangeline was one of the better ones along with me and Travis, I wanted to match her, but it was likely that she would have me pinned, or I'd have her pinned. But of course, Sylvia had to make a huge play of it. Laughing so loudly when she had me on the ground, that everyone turned to watch. But right now each of us were grabbing a drink of water. I chugged it down my throat. Sweat was dripping down the side of my face, and everyone else did to.

"Okay you babies, come on back to training." Sylvia grabbed my arm and yanked me back into the room, the lights flickered from so much usage, but we still had a few more minutes until tutoring.

Before I could block her, Sylvia jabbed the butt of her sword into the small of my back, knocking me down, I yelped and quickly rolled out of the way hopping up, I twirled my sword and before she could lunge and me I sidestepped out of the way and hit her arm with the side of my sword. A huge slap sounded through the room, and my eyes widened, "are- are you okay." But she took her chance and grabbed me by the neck dragging me down on the floor, my sword flew out of my hand, I kicked my legs up, but she maneuvered them easily. "Never let your guard down." She said, "and yes I'm fine, I've had much worse, but I'm definitely going to have a bruise there, as are you."

I laughed and she let me up. Brushing off my skirt I let out a breath and grabbed my sword. Everyone else was training with their mentors too, Evangeline was maneuvering through her mentor easily, until he Grabbed her waist and flipped her on the ground, twisting her leg in a lock position. She growled in frustration and her mentor let her stand up. It seemed Travis had met his match, deflecting his mentors blows with his own, his brow had sweat and I'm sure I looked just as ragged as everyone else. I glanced at Sylvia and said, "wanna go again?" She smiled, "my pleasure."

And that's what went on for two hours. Everyone had obviously improved, a little bit. I could tell that Travis and Evangeline had done sword fighting before, I have too, but that was a few years ago, with Clara, who is amazing in the art, she taught me everything she knows, and we match each other now. It's kind of funny, really, having to do this weird game for everyone's entertainment. Sylvia dismisses us to our rooms to get ready for tutoring, and honestly I'm not that excited for it. Well, duh, its tutoring. The same thing as school, but worse.

Each of us run to our rooms, Travis trailing behind me. We stop at the same time, I almost laugh, our rooms are right across from each other. Oh, Evangeline is going to be pissed! He laughs and enters the room, then his gaze falls and closes the door.

Don't make friends. I repeat in my head.

I want to smack myself. Everything will be harder if I do. It will be impossible.

When I get back into my room, I slip off the training uniform. I jumped when a video popped up on a small screen. I hadn't even realized that there was one in here. Shivers went down my spine as I realized there might be cameras in here. Watching, waiting.

She was sitting down on her throne, and it buzzed. "Hello, contestants. You must be wondering why there is a sudden announcement. Today, after Dinner, everyone will be brought to the front for a new announcement. Be sure not to change out of your nice clothes." Her voice shakes from the bad cameras, and the video shuts off. I gulp, looking around the room. There are definitely cameras in here. I slip on the dress I was wearing before, and fix my hair up a bit. Sylvia's waiting for me outside, but this time, there is a gun in her hand. Most of the guards and mentors I've seen only had swords and daggers. Guess this is different. She slips it back into her boot, and pulls me down the hall. Everyone else I see walking with us seems a little shaken

I am too.

What is the little dimwit planning?

The next hallway we walk into has large golden doors at the end. In cursive letters at the top it says, "Library." I scoff, but Sylvia kicks my shin. She opens the door, and large shelves are covered in books. Tables have people playing games of chess, and others reading books with lamps. It is very dim in here, the lights flickering on and off. Sylvia pulls her gun out again and slams it down on the table. The silence is broken, and everyone who was in here immediately gets up and shuffles out of the room. Not even looking back. "Well," she says facing everyone. "take a seat." It takes a few moments before everyone starts heading towards the couches and tables. I find a leather seat in front of a chess board. Even the mentors sit down, except for Sylvia. "Now," she says, once everyone is quiet and settled down. "In here, is where we will teach the mind. It will get frustrating, but I do not tolerate quitters. Is that clear?" she claps her hands, and the mentors shuffle off towards their students, I guess. Sylvia sits in the chair in front of me. "Welcome to chess."

"Wait, that's what were playing? Chess?"

"Yes. But, it's harder than you think. See, every time one of you 'pieces,' get stolen, you'll get punished."

"How so?" her smile is almost wicked.

"Physical. Twenty push ups for each piece taken away." I almost laugh.

"Seriously? That isn't punishment at all." she chuckles under her breath, and claps twice. Suddenly a big clock is going down. Two hours until were done.

I take a deep breath and get ready. Every mentor has their students ready with a game of chess in front of them. I see Travis smiling at me, and Evangeline snarling at me. I look away.

Don't make friends.

Sylvia makes the first move, tapping the clock. I stare at her. Doing my own. My heart is beating to fast to fast for this. I don't know why it is, it just is.

The time went to quickly. Sylvia beat me, obviously, but the game was so long. Sweat dripped down my back, my breath hitching. She lied. Well, kind off. This kind of punishment was cruel and mean. While people were doing the push ups, they but these masks around our heads, making breathing almost impossible. Nausea made me dizzy. I clutch my stomach, leaning down on the chair. Everyone was leaving already. This was stupid. I thought this was going to be a break from everyone. No. I will do this everyday.

Queen Alice is torturing us.

This life is a game of chess. Every bit of it. There is always someone better than a pawn. Always someone to take you away. I am a pawn. We all are, and Alice is the player, playing us.

My lip trembles. I had to do that way to much. Way to much. way to much way to much way to much- "Come on, your fine." Sylvia grabs my arm, yanking me foreword. All the mentors were doing that to their students. Except for Travis. Ugh, and Evangeline. They both looked a little messed up, but I probably looked worse. My vision is blurry, fractured images. "I'm going to leave you if you can't freaking get up and move!" Sylvia keeps pushing me forward, but I don't know where I am going. Where am I? Panic claws at my chest. And I can't breathe can't breathe can't breathe.

Someone else grabs my arm, yanking me their way. Their voices are muffled, and I only get bits and pieces. I try to pull myself to my full height, but my legs crumble beneath me. This. I can't do this. What did they do to me? What are they doing to me.

Then someone grabs the sides of my face. Forcing me to look at them, but my head droops. I am not weak like this. I am not. Weak. I do not deserve to lay on the floor, others are in more pain, I do not deserve...Deserve... Then my mind goes blank and I can't see anything anymore. It all shut off. My hearing gone. I'm in a pitch black void. It's all gone.

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