Up to Something (Kyungsoo Imagine)

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Hey guys! This is my first time of writing a fanfic so go easy on me xD you can suggest tho, just comment. This may be a bit cliché but you never know, maybe it can electrocute you xD jk I'm such a feeler hihi have fun reading! Lots of love xx


It was a very cold morning of November when your alarm was blaring to wake you up. You turned the deathly noise off as you opened your set of sleepy eyes to another lame school day. You got up from your bed and started to zombie-walk yourself towards the bathroom.

Thirty-five minutes later, you got out from the restroom feeling fresh and pampered. As you entered your room to change, your phone beeped as it received a text message. You slid the lockscreen as soon as you saw your friend's message.

"Good morning guys! It's washday again!"

"Oh right." You remembered that it was totally Wednesday. You soon were troubled on what to wear.

"Let's wear blue, shall we? :)" Your problem got even worse upon seeing the word blue.

"Blue? Didn't I wear the same color last week? Man, I don't have another blue", you replied back.

She responded as if she was a flash sender, "Sure you have! We gave you a blue blouse last Saturday :) Wear that. It's your favorite color, isn't it? Plus it looks good on you. Don't be late :* "

"Weird." Your friends weren't really the ones to give you clothes. In fact, you were usually the one to lend them something to wear. You heaved a sigh and got the blue blouse from where you remembered you had hid it.

There it was. Good as new. It was simple yet elegant. It was a good choice since it was your favorite shade of blue. And most importantly, you looked so cute and pretty in it that you thought even Kyungsoo Oppa, your guy bestfriend would like it.

You put it on as you noticed the wall clock's hand running so fast. Your friend's voice seemed to echoed in your mind. "Don't be late". You asked yourself why she was telling you to do so even if she knows you were never late on your classes. But then you had it slide and groomed yourself as you always do.

You were ready. Blue blouse, new pair of shoes you bought just a week ago, hair, which smelled like a pink Dove shampoo, was perfectly down and hanging from your shoulders, and last but not the least, a smile. Yeap, you were ready to go to school.

Reaching the school main gate, you ran like someone was chasing you. You checked your watch and it said "9:08". Congratulations! You're 52 minutes early for first period. "Guess I'm TOO early. Crap. I bet they're not here yet."

But they were. And you saw them, wearing different colors. "WHAT?! Why are you wearing white and she, a pink blouse? I thought we'd wear blue?" you exclaimed.

They didn't respond. Instead they just followed you as you raged towards the flight of stairs.

"How dare they," you thought.

The feeling of betrayal and disappointment began to vanish when you saw pictures of Luhan hanging from every spot of the 3rd floor of the building.

Luhan was your crush known by all of your friends. And as far as you can remember, they even tease you for having this really HUGE crush on him. But the truth is, you like someone else. Your friends know who he is but you begged not to spill it for you didn't want to ruin your friendship.

Uh-uh, you have a crush on Kyungsoo. Your Oppa. Your guy bestfriend. You wanted to tell him everytime he's with you but you were just too afraid to tell him. But this was something different, something you didn't want to have regrets for. Something special. And how your heart beats like a rolled drum whenever you see him.

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