Chanyeol One Shot Pt. 3 (for JanGillian)

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Gillian's POV

It's my first morning in Korea and my first day to start a new life! I feel good except for the fact that I am horribly hungry. I took my jacket and ran towards the door to the hotel's restaurant. Hmm, I wonder what meals are available.

I ordered myself a Korean kimchi since it's the only Korean food I know. "To start my first day in Korea, I must eat like a Korean! Gillian, fighting!" While eating, I remembered what I had encountered last night. *sigh* The dreamy Park Chanyeol. I wonder where he is now...

Stuck in a daydream, a random man took his seat in front of me. Seriously?

"Annyeong, chingu."

"Annyeong, ajussi. I mean, Chanyeol." Oh, God. It's Chanyeol!

"Missed me?"


He clears his throat, "I mean, what are you eating?"

"Kimchi. Do you want?" Offering him some

He looked at you forcing not to show his smile. "You're spoon-feeding me now?"

"Ah, mianhae. I usually offer food to my friends especially the ones that I'm close with."

"Are you saying we're close?"

"Ani... But maybe soon. I hope so..." You smiled shyly

"Alright. If you want us to be close, come with me then."

"Where? Your fans, we could be seen."

"No, they wouldn't."

Surprisingly, he took your hand and dragged you to his car. He was still wearing his black cap and sunglasses to get unnoticed. He drove to their dorm. That's right. Where the whole EXO members are staying, sleeping, eating, drinking, bathing, practicing, singing, dancing, wrestling, laughing, smiling, sitting, rolling---pretty much every -ing ever known that should be also known by fangirls aka stalkers (mehehe, don't mean to offend anyone here guys but that's true tho :P)

He opened the door for you. "Kre, get inside."

"Here? Won't your managers get mad?"

"They will if you do something weird and creepy. Will you do something weird and creepy?" He raised his one brow. Dammit, he so cute!

"Do you seriously think that?! Oh yeah Mr. Park Chanyeol I forgot to tell you that I am disguised as an innocently non-Korean citizen who is really a Russian spy who is tasked to do something weird and take nude and hot photos of every inch of you and send it to the Russian Federation to publish it on every magazine which fangirls are really hoping to see just to earn a mountain pile of cash and be billionnaires. Now is that what you want to hear, Mr. Park?" You asked sarcastically

He froze for a bit not knowing what or how to react. "Geez, I didn't know you had it in you. You're feisty, and sarcastic. But smart and funny. I like it."

"Thank you!" You bowed as if you ended a splendid on-stage performance.

You entered the building, walked through the hallway and began imagining all the things that the EXO members, your idols, do here.

Your hands were trembling slightly but were gone the minute Chanyeol held it and led you towards the living room where mostly everyone is. And there they were...

D.O was as usual and expectedly cooking.
Sehun was drinking bubble tea while scrolling down to his phone.
Lay was sleeping on the couch.

"Hmmm, I thought he sleeps at his room and not in the living room," you thought

Xiumin and Chen were playing video games.
Beakhyun was... I dunno, flipping his feet into the air trying to look like a kid and doung aegyeo while raising both of his arms forward? (Bwahahaha *peace*)

"Annyeong!" He greeted.

"Ah! Fin-" Baekhyun started to greet but noticed someone else (a stranger or aka you). "Who's that?"

Everyone started to stare at the both of you.

"Annyeong," you greeted them and bowed 90 degrees.

"This is Gillian. She'll be hanging with us now."

"Hanging with us now?"

"You don't say..." Chen started

             There was a short time of silence...

"Dae." He snaked his arm around your waist letting your body to move closer to him. "She's my girlfriend."

You were shocked upon hearing those words. Frankly, you felt uneasy and blushed all over your face. The way he said it, "She's my girlfriend"--- everything suddenly went in slow motion. Jinjja?

"What is happening?" you began to wonder. "Chanyeol," you hissed at him. "What are you saying?"

He looked at you with sparkling eyes and a melting smile. You felt in awe as he winked.

"Yah! Are you trying to make me jealous?" Baekhyun began starting like a jealous ex girlfriend

"Wae? Are you?" Chanyeol bursted into a slight chuckle

"Yah! She doesn't look Korean and I'm pretty sure you just kidnapped her from somewhere down the streets. Yah!" Baek snapped his fingers and pointed at you. "You! Are you really his girlfriend?" He stopped with his final question

I looked at Chanyeol still smiling. Agh, I couldn't resist someone as good looking as he is like that.

"Yah! Are YOU his girlfriend?" Everyone had stopped what they had been doing and stared at me as if I did something sinful.

'Girlfriend'? I don't know. Am I?

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