Chapter 1....

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A/N: I put one of my favorite playlists if you guys want to listen to it while reading, it's the playlist I was listening to while writing this story. It's all one Direction music! -xoxo Bambi.

"New town, New house, New life." I heard my mom say as I was placing my last box inside my room from the uhaul truck. I share a room with my little sister Nova, Nova has just recently turned 15 she's 5'2 with long wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes with beautiful lashes, she wears glasses, she's been wearing them since she was 7, she doesn't have the best eyesight. Me and her have always shared a room I don't really mind since me and her are really close.

I look around my empty room thinking how I'm going to make this nice and comfortable. "This wall will be our art wall." Nova said excitingly, Nova and I have this art wall neither of us can draw but we have 3 younger siblings twins' a boy and a girl ages 10 and the youngest age 7, they always draw something cute for us or write something sweet and hand it to us as a gift instead of accepting it and throwing it away since a little kid did it, we appreciate it so much we made a wall dedicated for that with a bunch of cute little drawing and notes from them taped all over that one section of wall. "Thats perfect not too small and not too big." I agreed with her.

"I get the bigger room!" I hear my little brother yell; I walk into the room all three of them are arguing over. My little brother Legend, 10 years old about 4'5 with a butch cut arguing with his sisters over the room. "Do you want to share a room with one of the girls?" I ask him, "Hell no, I'm the only boy I wanna have my own room" he states.  "Okay then since the girls will be sharing a room, they have to get the bigger one because they need more space since there is going to be two beds in here." I tell him with ease. He looks at me unsure if he should argue back or give in, he eventually just agrees with me but looks a little upset, "here let's go to the room that's going to be yours and see where everything is going to be placed" I say.

"We'll put your gaming desk in this corner, with all your gaming electronics." I say happily. He looks excited telling me where he's going to place all his posters and skateboard stands. I just stand there watching him with a huge smile on my face. I raised him from when he was an infant so I have a special bond with him, he called me mom for the first 3 years of his life, my mom got very sick after giving birth to the twins she wasn't in full strength to take care of them so me and my sister Lyric took care of them Lyric 18 years old about 5'9 beautiful long black hair goes all they way to her knees with big dark brown eyes and tanned skin. Me and her took care of the twins for a good 3 years.

I took care of Legend and Lyric took care of Legacy 10 years old about 4'2 long brown curly hair with beautiful green eyes, I pretty much am the mom of the siblings even though I'm not the oldest my older sister Zora is 21 years old 4'11 long brown hair goes up to her ass and dark brown eyes, she's usually always in her room doesn't really hang out with us as much me and her are Irish twins which means being born on the same year different months. Zora wanted to raise one of our siblings cause Lyric and I did so she wanted to be involved, so when my mom gave birth to the youngest child our little sister Sage she said she wanted to raise her when my mom was given too much epidural. It caused her to almost die which she had to stay in the hospital for 2 months. Zora never ended up helping us raise Sage I did all the work even when my mom was discharged she was too weak to take care of her she tried helping but she barely had strength.

Sage is now 7 years old about 3'3 with her beautiful long curly hair and brown eyes her and Legacy get their curly hair from me. Now I'm 20 years old 5'1 curly long hair and Hazel eyes having raised two of my siblings all alone starting at the age of 10. I have a dad but he's not much help he doesn't really like me much I mean he likes my siblings just not me. Which I don't really mind it much I try to stay out of his way cause when I am in his way it doesn't really end well for me. I'm a mommas girl anyways. My mom is my best friend her name is Lavender she's about 5'5 with the most beautiful blond short hair. My dad is Thomas about 5'7 with black hair green eyes.

Nova and I start unpacking our boxes to put our room together we started with our bed we decided on sharing a bed so we got a king sized bed and put it together our mom bought us this new vanity and we assembled that all together like the independent women we are we had our music on while we were putting our room together until we heard loud screaming and thud sounds. Nova ran to the kids and put all three of them in one area and stayed with them while me, Zora and Lyric went to figure out what was going on.

Hello this chapter was mostly to introduce Taisy and her family please bare with me the next chapter will be better hope you enjoyed it
-xoxo Bambi

Hello this chapter was mostly to introduce Taisy and her family please bare with me the next chapter will be better hope you enjoyed it -xoxo Bambi

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