Chapter 2....

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A/N: Again attached the comfort playlist for one direction.

As we walk into the living room, we see our dad yelling and throwing objects at my mom, all three of us run so fast and stand right infront of our mom, "DON'T TOUCH HER!" Lyric yells. "STOP HURTING HER!" I scream, "both of you shut the fuck up or it will get worse on you both" he threatens. Lyric gets scared and doesn't say anything more but stays standing infront of our mom so he won't get to her, Zora also standing there not saying anything.

"Get out of my way, and go to your rooms all three of you" he insists, "I'm not going anywhere if I'm going to walk away so is my mom, and there is nothing you can do or say that will change that" I state, which pisses him off all three of us still standing there scared for our life's. My heart is beating so fast I feel my palms start to sweat my anxiety starts to kick in my breath shortening and I start to shake scared of what he's going to do next after I just talked back like that to him.

His eyes are filled with hate and anger, he looks at me and throws a psychotic grin on his face causing me and my sisters to step back a little, "is that so?" He asks in the most psychotic voice I've ever heard him use. I look at him fear pacing through my body he walks towards me and tells me to step forward away from my sisters and my mom. My mom holds me back, "you're not touching my daughter" she demands in a stern tone. I move closer to not make it worse on my mom and sisters. He then moves closer to me grabbing my hair making me wince. My mom yells at him to let me go but he has already started dragging me to my room.

He threw me in the room so hard it caused me to fall down, I wince in pain and he starts to scream "I'll show you what happens when you talk back to me" next thing I know I was getting kicked in my stomach, my back, I feel his hands land on my head and grab my hair dragging me up and slapping me 3 times across the face causing me to bleed from my lips and nose. I hear my mom banging on the door trying to open it to save me from this psychotic man's hands. Before the hits even stopped everything started to go dark until I couldn't feel or see anything anymore.

I woke up feeling pain all over my body, I start to sit up and find my sisters, brother, and mother all sitting there waiting for me to wake up. "What happened, last thing I remember is getting beat half to death by this crazy man" I say as I sit up. "You passed out while he was still beating you." Zora says "we deadass thought you died" Nova said tears filling her eyes. I just look at everyone my mom crying "are you okay" lyric asks concern filling her tone, I look at my mom, " I'm fine nothing a warm shower can't fix" I said trying to sound as okay as I can be after all this with a big smile on my face. "Now can you guys get out so I can shower and dress up, thank you very much."

They all walk out, I get out of bed slowly wincing a little my body aching. I walk to my closet limping, I go through my clothes trying to figure out what to wear and my hand lands on the merch. I take it out looking at it, "if only you were here." I say to myself. I put it back taking out a khaki colored flared jean pants with a white turtle neck shirt, I wanted to add a little more style to the cloths since I am going to work so I don't wanna look like I just came back from the dead I pull out a crop topped khaki shirt, to top it all off a cream leathered jacket. For shoes I went with my white air forces. I made sure what I chose didn't show any part of my body so none of the bruises will show at work.

I put my clothes on my bed and walk into the bathroom I start up the shower and hop in a beautiful warm shower

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I put my clothes on my bed and walk into the bathroom I start up the shower and hop in a beautiful warm shower. I get out put on my rope and start to do my hair I straighten my hair today and put it down I start with my make up making sure all the buries are covered so I went heavy on the make up today. I walk back into my room and start to dress up, after I'm done, I take my bag and walk up the stairs since my room is downstairs. My mom already had breakfast ready. "No you're not going to work after last night" my mom insists, "mom I'm fine and I'd rather be at work then here I want to avoid him as much as I can" I argue back, "sweetie you can't even walk right, I want you to stay home today so I can take care of you" she says with a concerned tone, "mom really I'm fine don't insist" I walk up to her and give her a kiss on the cheek, "I'll see you tonight" I say as I'm walking out the door.

I get to work getting greeted by my coworkers "TAISY!" I hear someone yell my name. I turn around to see none other than my best friend also known as my partner at work Liliana. I work at a photography agency where we get all these types of clients that need pictures taken for this specific special event, we do weddings, birthdays, meetings, baby showers, company's, brands you name it, anyways Lilianna and I were just promoted to team leads so, we handle all the clients and decide who goes on which job, we more then go to the event and take pictures we also do office work checking emails and picture editing anything that needs editing just making sure everything is good before submitting it to our manager and they do their final steps needed before submitting them to the client. "Did you check your email today?" Lilianna says with a bright smile, "no Lilly I just got here I haven't even entered my office yet." I say, "well you need to check it." She says with an urgent tone that scares me a little making me rush to my desk too see this email that I urgently need to see. I open my emails and start reading until I land on the email she was talking about; I look at her with disbelief, "it's fine we can send anyone." I say trying to ease the situation. "No, you can't Skylar already put you on the job" she says with pity. Skylar is our manager we don't report to anyone but her she's one of my best friends I met her here at work before she became manager Skylar is a 25-year-old women with mid-long black hair with green eyes and she's about 5'5, Skylar fought hard for her positions, and she deserved it. 

"There is no way she assigned me she knows." I say frustrated, I get up and walk out of my office to Skylar's, "Sky why did you assign me to that project." I question her, "They asked for the best and they are paying extra for the best, so I had to assign you, I know I'm sorry, I know the situation but girl you are going to have to face him one way or the other" she says in an apologetic tone. "Why couldn't you assign Lilly she's just as good." I argue "Lilly has a different project that she's been working on for 2 weeks now so I can't even switch you guys, I'm sorry Taisey but you're going to have to take this project" she says in a sweet tone. "How long is this project going to last?" I ask, "I don't know I forwarded everything that you need to know about it, I'm sorry girl but I know if anyone can make these clients happy it's you just keep it professional." she says trying to make the situation better, "okay I'm going back to my office if you need me" I say defeated. I walk back into my office and read the email. 

Hello this is Jack Jetson I am looking for the best photographer to photograph my son Blaze Jetsons upcoming boxing matches I was with one agency, but they didn't work out and a friend of mine recommend this agency for me, I will pay extra for the best one on hand, but I need them to be able to chaperone him during training matches and so forth. I want them to be able to start as soon as possible let me know soon before I start looking around for more agency's thank you, Jack Jetson.

I read the email hating myself, the person that I once used to call my best friend that also turned his back on me because are families fought that stopped answering calls and messages I have to go and be his personal photographer not just for his matches but also for his training, I wonder if they will even accept me to come in and be his photographer. What will I even say to him this past week has been everything but lucky.

A/N: this is the 2nd chapter I'm sorry if it seems a little rushed, I am trying to put it out there but now the plot has entered the chat, thank you for reading this chapter hope you enjoyed it see you in the next if not thank you anyways -xoxo Bambi. 


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