Chapter Eight: The Accident

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The sky was shifting from night to day as the rubber tires of the taxi rolled down the tar-covered pavement. The taxi-cab driver had stopped at my college and I thanked the driver by giving him $20 for the ride.

As I walked into the building to reach my dorm, I started to think about the good times Chris and I had together.

We felt free and enjoyed each other's company.
But I had to break up with Chris because he's hurting people. First, Porshia and now me. Who knows who he hurt before me?

I stopped pondering and went to the front desk to see if I could get a Break-Day. Thank god, he said yes because I need time to think.

I ran to my dorm, packed all my clothes, showered and changed in my acid-washed skinny jeans, white tanktop, red Converse and black leather jacket.

I grabbed my suitcase and my car keys and headed out the door.

I realized that it would take all night to get back home from the campus, but who cares? It'll give me more time to think.

I walked to my car and packed my suitcase in the trunk.

I headed off onto the highway, and while I drove, my phone buzzed.

It's Chris.

He texted:
Hey, Victoria. I didn't see you at the school. I assumed you left. I wanted to apologize. I know I what I did was very wrong and I've apologized a thousand times, but I really am sorry. And please careful. There's a storm headed our way soon. Please be careful, I'm begging you.
Love you, Vick.

I didn't bother to reply since I was still upset and the fact that I was driving. I continued to drive and as the night was falling, the clouds got darker.

Hours later...

The drive back home was mind-numbingly long. I tried to entertain myself with the radio, but the stupid rain interfered with the signal.

I hate to say it but, Chris was right.
The weather is really bad. The rain was pouring down hard along with the flashing lightning and pounding thunder.

I couldn't see the road ahead of me, even with my headlights on.

But when I squinted to see, I saw a very large figure in front of me with bright lights.
It took me at least two seconds to realize that that large object was a semi truck driving in the wrong direction and it was headed right towards me!

I tried to swerve out of the way, but my reaction was too late as my car swerved too forcefully and my car slid out of control and started to flip.

My eyes squeezed shut and my screams filled the air as my car continued to flip.
The sudden motion stopped and my eyes suddenly opened to realize my car was completely upside down.

I searched my surroundings to then notice that the truck fled the scene and I was left alone.

My passenger windows were shattered and my windshield as well.
I tried to unfasten my seatbelt, but I was in so much pain, I couldn't move. My leg was for sure broken and my forehead was bleeding because as soon the glass from my window shattered, it hit me in the face.

I was hurting so bad that I could barely escape. I struggled with the seatbelt again and I was able to unfasten it but, the sudden motion of my body hitting the ceiling as I unfastened caused the windshield to shatter into pieces. And a large piece had dropped and impaled me through the stomach.
I screamed in utter pain at the sight of my white tank top covered in my blood and a large piece of glass lodged in my abdomen.
I tried to climb through my shattered window, but the pain was unbearable. My mind was filled with thoughts of someone never finding me and me dying alone.

My thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone dropping by my head from the dashboard.
With the remaining strength that I had left, I went into my contacts and called the one person that needed to be here for me.


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