The Dream Life

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"Gavin, calm down; you don't have to yell." Ryan motioned his hands to silence me.

"No, Ryan! I have told you multiple times that I don't trust you when you are always dawdling with your phone! This is supposed to be our special day." I threw my hands up in frustration, tears forming in my eyes. "Ryan. I love you, but I don't trust you."

Ryan suddenly sat back in his seat, his face shocked and hurt, "Gav...why don't you trust me? If anything, I don't trust you! You're always spacing out, you have to be bound to be thinking of some guy, right? Is it Dan?! I'm pretty sure it's Dan. You're unbelievable." He folded his arms in anger.

I nearly stood up in rage, "Dan?! You think I'm cheating on you with Dan?!" I couldn't help my burst of laughter in disgust. "No, no. Your secret girlfriend, Wendy—"

"Cindy." Ryan interrupted.

"Whatever her bloody name is! All you've been doing today is emailing her. Ryan. I don't see this working out anymore..." I breathed, defeated.

Ryan's face changed from anger to sadness when he heard what I said. His shoulders slumped and he slowly reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small brown box. Ryan's eyes never left the ground as he placed the closed box on the table. "Then what am I supposed to do with this...?" Ryan mumbled and nudged the box closer to me.

My heart had stopped. My vison began to blur. My hand got slower and heavier as it approached the box. Then...

* * *

My eyes popped open. I quickly scanned the room to find it was just my bedroom. Then slightly turned my head behind me to see Ryan fast asleep with his arm around me. Like always. I was his little spoon and I could never be happier there. I relaxed into his arm and steadied my heart beat.

Ryan rustled lightly and his arm pulled me closer to him. His face was against my neck and he whispered, "You okay, Gav? I felt you jump like three feet in the air."

I tried to cover my shaking voice, "Yeah Ry, I'm okay. Thank you. It's just that bad dream I've been having. I don't know why it keeps happening."

There was a silence for a moment. Then Ryan sighed, "Well, we did have lasagna with cheddar cheese last night. That cheese contains lots of tryptophan, which is known to give people vivid dreams."

I chuckled at Ryan's nerdy knowledge. "Okay Mr. Physics Man, I didn't ask fo—"

"Eh, eh. That was not physics in any form. Yet, I like the name Mr. Physics Man, but can I change that a tiny bit?" Ryan asked.

"Sure. Change it to what?"

"Daddy Physics Man?"

Before I could react, Ryan had pulled me onto my back and swiftly had made his way on top of me, hovering a few inches away from my face. His sexy grin was intoxicating. And that goddamn dimple.

My heart rate was back up and the grin was contagious, "Yes, Ryan. You can be Daddy Physics Man. On one condition though."

"What would that be?"

"You're only Daddy Physics Man to me."

The devilish grin widened into a fully blown smile. "Deal." He lowered his face onto mine and we shared a midnight kiss.

* * *

My life with Ryan could not be any better. It's like our life together came right out of a Rom-Com or teen fiction novel. The cute little dates we went on, our inside jokes, our feelings toward each other, everything was that perfect lovey-dovey stuff that people would strive for.

After my year in America, Ryan decided to move back to England with me. He had so much money left from his 'past life', as he liked to call it, that he was able to buy a reasonably sized flat, or apartment as the Americans would call it. When I arrived home, I introduced my mom and dad to Ryan and explained everything with Barbara and Michael, Ray, and Lindsay. They trusted me enough to live with Ryan to help him adjust to England if Ryan could find a flat near their house in case of emergency. So Ryan and I went flat hunting and found a nice place right outside of Oxford which was only ten minutes from my parent's house. So I was allowed to move in with Ryan.

Ryan worked really hard on his schooling online and worked day jobs here and there at family owned shops and things, just to get by. I went to a higher school than I had been before, which didn't include any of my "friends" from my last school, which is all I wanted. To focus on my study to get the hell out of school. From Ryan's successes from his American school duel enrollment achievements, he was able to zoom through his bachelor's degree and was currently working on his masters when the University of Oxford approached him. The headmaster at the university told him that a physics teacher was needed for evening classes and that a doctorate's degree was not needed to start the job. Of course Ryan took the job and was earning three times as much as he had been. We were no longer "getting by" but were living very comfortably.

A year later I finished my GCSEs and decided not to apply for a college or university. And with Ryan making all the money, we agreed I didn't even have to try to find a job. So, there I became the typical "stay at home wife" who cleaned the house, took care of the pet, and waited for my boyfriend to come home every night. The luxury of living in a city like Oxford is that everything is right there; the food market, the park, the University, everything! I didn't have to learn to drive a car, although Ryan has been trying to teach me little by little.

So let's see, Ryan is 20 years old and works at The University of Oxford as a Physics teacher from around 3PM to about 7PM for the "not as intelligent" students. I am currently 18 years old and unemployed, only as a "house wife". We have a two bedroom flat right outside the heart of Oxford and a cute orange Tabby kitten that we named Thomas O'Malley after the alley cat from The Aristocats.

And at the end of every night, I would snuggle up to Ryan in our bed and he would pull me closer into his spoon. Life couldn't get any better. I am loving my new life.

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