Boyfriends Have Troubles

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"Goodbye guys. Thank you so much for visiting!" Ryan waved to Lindsay, Michael, and Ray from inside the car. I stood on the outside of the vehicle to hug my friends goodbye before they went off on their flight back to the states.

"Thanks for having us over, Gavin. And happy birthday, man." Lindsay came in for a big hug. "Don't forget to tell Thomas that Auntie Lindsay is just across the pond if he needs anything." She smiled.

Ray then came up to embrace me. "Thanks for letting us crash at your place for your day of birth. It was great."

"Thanks for coming, Ray. And hey, good luck with Tina." I winked at him.

He began to blush, then seriously said, "Thanks. But, don't worry about Ryan and you. You guys are like meant to be. It will all work out. But just watch those work hours, huh? Brit chicks are mucho loco."

"Ray, shut the fuck up." Michael shoved Ray out of the way and hugged me. He whispered to me, "Don't listen to Ray. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Don't worry about it, Gavin. You're a great kid." He let go of the hug and nodded at me and gave me a reassuring smile before taking Lindsay by the hand and heading off to the entrance of the airport. I watched as Michael, Lindsay, and Ray took their bags and walked through the automatic doors to head back home.

I got back in the car with Ryan and sat for a moment, Ray's warning still ringing in my mind. I glanced over at my boyfriend in the driver's seat.

"Well, I really should be getting back home to leave for work. You ready to go?" He asked.


"Oh, Gavin. We'll get to see them again soon. Until then, we have each other." Ryan said, pulling out of the airport drop off.

* * *

The clock read 10:40PM. Ryan was supposed to be home at 9:00PM. I paced the floor and tugged at my hair. Thomas was sleeping in his bed, the TV was off, and the only sounds I could hear was the tick-tock of the clock and my steps on the floor.

"Where is he...?

Just watch those work hours, huh?

Ray's words echoed in my mind. Maybe Ryan was cheating on me with that woman with the emails. Maybe he went over to her place and had some fun. How come he got to have all the fun? Where was my fun?

I grabbed my coat and set out for the pub.

When I arrived, I went up to the tender, "A pint."

"Sure thing, mate." The pub tender turned and went to fill my pint. I got my bev and began to drink away my problems.

A few pints later, I began to feel tipsy. I was just staring at the dark wood of the bar when there was a hand on my back. I turned my head to see a familiar face.

"Hey, B." Dan said hesitantly.

"Hey, Dan."

He sat down in the chair next to me, "What brings you here so late? It's almost midnight."

I let out a sigh, "Well, my boyfriend, Ryan. I think he might be cheating on me."

"What? Can you go on?" Dan requested.

"Well, he has been getting home later lately, and he got these emails from this bird that are like really naughty and suggestive. Well, he didn't come home today so I decided to go out for some bevs..."

"Wow, that's pretty shitty." Dan placed his hand on my thigh and began to slowly rub. "I'm sorry, Gavin." He started to lean in more. "That's a shame your boyfriend isn't there for you anymore. You really deserve someone who will be there when you need him." His other hand reached around my neck and pulled my head to his and placed his lips on mine.

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