Old Faces, Old Memories

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Early morning shopping was my favorite thing to do. Ryan and I needed to get some things from the market, so I volunteered to go and fetch the items. Therefore, I set off for the local market in town.

I was browsing through the apple carts trying to find just the right apple for us when I thought I heard a familiar voice. I looked up from the barrels, and over in the plum cart, there stood a face I hope I'd never have to see again. I crouched really low, hiding behind the pear barrels, and I tried to think of the best way to handle this situation.

I must have thought longer than I realized because the produce seller spoke over the counter, "Excuse me, lad. But are you going to pay for those?" The old man pointed to the apples that were in my basket. I quickly jumped up, embarrassed, "Oh, yes sir. I'm sorry. Here you are, 30 pence, yes?" I handed the man the money. I smiled and turned around to leave when I bumped into a guy who was standing behind me. "Oh my God! I'm terribly sorry, mate." I spoke and looked up at the guy's face. My heart stopped once again.

"Oh, that's alright. Oh by the way," He held two plums in his hands and was gently squeezing them, "are plums supposed to be soft or hard for them to tast— wait a second, Gavin? Is that you?"

Shite. I was caught. Deep breath in. "Oh, Dan! I didn't even realize it was you." I lied.

"Oh Gavin! What a small world this is, it's been how long now? One, two years?" Dan, my ex-boyfriend asked, trying to make small talk.

"I suppose so." I replied. To be exact, it had been three years and two months and some odd days since we had last seen each other.

"Oh, love, I've missed you so! I heard you left England, did 'ya? I was gutted!" Dan exclaimed.

I was caught off guard so badly, I just had to revert back to young teenage Gavin, "Yeah. After all the shit you started at school, I had no choice but to move across the planet away from you." I sneered.

His eyes got wide and his excited expression faded. "Oh, right. That was so long ago, back when we were just lads, right B?"

Jumping back at the sound of his pet name for me, I quickly made up an excuse to leave. "I need to get back to my place. I need to feed my cat."

"Wait, Gavin! Where 'bouts are you living?"

"Uh, only a few blocks away. A nice little flat. Look, it was something to see you again. Bye."

I've never wanted to leave that market faster in my life.

* * *

Ryan was finishing up his lunch and I sat staring at my half eaten sandwich across the table from him. He took his last sip of his milk and set the glass down on the table.

"Gav, are you okay? You normally eat faster than I do. Anything wrong?" Ryan inquired with concern.

Looking down at my plate, "I'm fine. Just thinking."

Ryan got up and made his way over to me. He bent down and gave me a big hug, kissing my neck. "Thinking about what, babe?"

"Well, while I was at the market, I ran into Dan..."

He instantly let go of me at the sound of Dan's name. "Wait, you're ex, Dan? The asshole, Dan? That Dan?"

I nodded. "He was happy to see me...he acted like nothing happened and that I just left the country for no reason."

Ryan's face scrunched up in disgust, "Ugh. That's awful." He embraced me again, "I'm sorry you had to face him alone. I think it was better that I wasn't there or else I probably would have killed him."

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