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3rd POV:

Gladiolus's heart clenched at Lily's statement. She was the strongest and bravest fairy among all other fairies. That's why she was chosen to be their queen.

But she couldn't bear the pain of hatred by her own daughter. "No! I won't allow you to go from here. This is your home and you're my daughter. A fairy, Should live here." She said in a cold tone.

Soon a man entered the room and Lily's attention went towards him. The tears threatened to fall down from Gladiolus's eyes fell down after she saw him.

The Male butterfly fairy who wore an elegant suit with shining pearls and a crown in his head, came towards Gladiolus.

"Queen Gladiolus what is happening here? And I heard-" He stopped midway by the glimpse of a new fairy. He looked so confused by seeing Lily there. He opened and closed his mouth trying to say something but before he could speak Gladiolus stated her words.

"She's our daughter King Orchid!! Our child.... who we lost the day we were attacked!" She introduced her daughter to the king. And came near the King with sparkling eyes.

"But-" before Gladiolus could start, Orchid spoke with determined tone. "Yes, I heard it. Don't compel her to stay with us. She has the full rights to decide what to do in her life. Let her go!" He said nonchalantly.

It was all their power. A little drop of Gladiolus tear was enough for the king to know what she was doing with Lily. He had the power to get vision through tears.

Gladiolus looked at him in disbelief. "What are you speaking Orchid? She's our daughter and she can't live in the human world. They may hurt her."

"Yes, they hurted me. But they didn't left me alone, like you did." Lily interrupted the King and Queen's conversation.

"You left me alone when I was just born and now you're calling yourself as my mother. The heck! My mother is the one who raised me with love and care. She never leave me at any situation.

And, and today I find the love of my life. But you snatched everything by taking me here. Do you think I'll accept you as my mother. No! Never!!

If my identity was the only problem, then take my all powers and let me go. I don't need this powers. I need the true family who were waiting for me there at the city. Please let me go!!!" She blurted out the pain she hidden in her heart.

A single drop of tear fell down from Lily's eyes which didn't missed by Orchid. He came near Lily and wiped the tear. When he touch her wetted cheeks he got a vision of Lily's life with humans.

The smile in her face was vivid in his vision. The pain she faced as well as her happiness with her family and Jimin, all came to his vision. Her memories gave him a contentment.

A mixed emotion invaded his heart. Happy for his correct decision and sad for letting his daughter go away from them. His heart also ached in the thought of separating himself from his daughter who he found today.

"Don't cry little fairy. You don't need to afraid of us. I never compel you to stay here. You can go with your power to the world where you find solace." He said with a painful smile which he forced to assure his daughter.

"But, King Orchid! She is my daughter. And I have rights to take decisions in her life. How-"

"As a King, I'm taking this decision to my daughter. No one in this fairy world would forced to stay here. They all have their own choices.....

And there's no problem for her to live in the human world. She was safe with her family. Try to understand Queen Gladiolus!" He spoke in a more authoritative tone before Gladiolus could finish her words.

Lily saw the brightness went completely down in Gladiolus's face. She felt the love of her biological mother for her. She felt bad for her behavior.

She mumbled 'Thank you' to the King and went towards Gladiolus. She looked into Gladiolus's pink eyes and held her mother's hand.

Gladiolus amused by Lily's sudden softness and looked directly into her baby blue eyes.

Lily's deep eyes gave a vision to Gladiolus where she saw her daughter's cheerful and happy smile and pain she faced in her teenage. The arrival of Jimin in her life and how it changed into a heaven to her daughter's life.

She regretted for her behavior to Lily. She hung her head down in shame and regret. Lily smiled sweetly at Gladiolus.

"I'll visit you daily, if you're ok with my decision...... Mother!"

Gladiolus's face lightened up in the mention of mother. Her heart melted. The words she wished to hear at least once in her life resonated in her ear.

Tear of happiness cascaded from her eyes. And she hugged Lily with love. Lily smiled and caressed her back.

"Promise me you'll come often here" Gladiolus demanded. "Promise mother. And I'm so lucky to have two mothers and fathers in my life."

However Lily's heart hesitated to accept the truth first; but she accepted it after seeing their pain. She comprehend that they didn't throw her away; they lost her when they were attacked. But Lily didn't ask Gladiolus to explain that day.

"Now I should go mother. Jimin was waiting for me there." Lily said with big eyes.

Gladiolus parted from the hug after a sweet moment with her daughter.

After bidding a farewell to her fairy parents, Lily flew away from the palace. As per parents instructions she went out from the fairy world which was invisible for human's eyes by their magical powers.

She followed the river flow to reach her usual place. But there she didn't find Jimin. She saw his footprints and followed it.

Her heart ached by the racing pace of his footprints. She flew fast and stumbled in front of the shield which was at the entrance of the northern part.

Her heart started racing even more faster by thinking what would happen to him. Unwanted thoughts invaded her mind.

She went inside the forest and stopped at a particular place from there no more footprints of Jimin's was found.

She looked around the place with panic. A sparkling light caught her attention. And shocked to see whose belonging it was.

Almost nearer to the end of the story. Just two or three parts were left🤧

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