22: When you get drunk

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Kissing booth reference for this chapter and the next one. 

Y/n's pov: 

 "Y/n, glad you came!" Gwen invited me into her house. Gwen was the type of person who throws college parties, especially at her house since her house is huge. I was never really the party type too but Gwen insisted I come to just one so I agreed.

"Yeah, of course. Anything for my best friend." I smiled, entering her house full of teenagers gaming, drinking, making out, swimming and other things teenagers do.

"Y/n, over here!" Jessica called me as I immediately went up to my friends. They already held onto shot glasses that had coloured liquid in them.

"Since you're a newcomer, try this one." Jessica held out the shot glass that had pink liquid in it.

"Oh, you know I'm not the drinker." I politely declined.

"Come on, just shoot it bookworm." My rival Hudson brushed past me. Sometimes, I really wanted to punch him in his arrogant rich face. He always competed with me for the stupidest reasons and I found him more annoying than Steve.

"Shut up Huddy. You're not the boss of me!" I shot back. He knew he hated being called 'Huddy'.

"Aren't you a wuss bookworm?" Hudson asked. Okay, that's it. I scoffed and snatched the shot glass out of Jessica's hand, replying, "Me. Being a wuss? Oh yeah, what about now?" As I drank the whole shot glass, I felt a tingly feeling in me along with a rush of adrenaline in me. I squinted my face for a while before yelling, "Hit me up again! In your face Hudson!"

"Whoo, y/n is one of us now!" Tasha announced as everyone cheered. I cheered too as I started looking for more of that pink liquid I had.

"Hey Lake, get over here. Up for some beer pong?" A senior whom I didn't know asked.

"Count me in!" I replied like I knew how beer pong worked as I went over to the beer pong table. Throughout the night, I was either drinking, dancing like mad, gaming on the PS5 that belonged to Gwen's brother or playing beer pong. It felt for once in my life I'm alive, even more alive than I already was. Soon, the drunk effect rolled in but I didn't care, all I knew was that I was having fun. Holding a jug of the pink liquid that I suddenly became obsessed with, I got on the billiards table and danced my heart out, still gulping down at least half of the jug as everyone cheered for me.

Third person pov:

Y/n's friends watched from a far and were starting to get concerned about their friend. As the other college cheered for y/n who was dancing on the billiards table, y/n started fanning herself and slurred, "It's getting hot here." She then tried to reach for the zip behind her dress as Iris warned, "Uh, guys, she's going to strip!"

"Oh no, y/n. First time drinkers always do the most bizarre things." Tasha face palmed herself.

"We have to get her off the table before her lingerie is exposed to all the guys." Jessica planned.

"Uh hey guys, what's Gucci?" Gwen slumped up against Jessica, showing that she's drunk.

"Gwen, Gwen, snap out of it. Y/n is going to strip on the billiards table." Jessica shook her friend but it was no use.

"Want another shot girlie?" Gwen offered.

"No thank you, I'm good." Jessica replied. Gwen left the group and walked off somewhere else while the other three turned back and got a shock of their lives.

"Oh no, she actually stripped!" Iris exclaimed after seeing y/n take off her dress and throwing it aside.

"Oh my gosh, we should go skinny dipping!" Y/n suggested. The guys agreed as they ripped apart their shirts, some their pants too as they jumped into the pool first.

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