42: When you get hospitalised

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Relating to periods and yes people actually can faint on their periods, you can search it on Google. 

Y/n's pov:

Similar to high school, there would gym class on some days. Gym class in college and high school are mostly the same, just that in college, the coach won't care if you sit out.

"Alright everyone, we're running laps around the gymnasium. If you want to sit out, just sit out I don't wanna know the reason." Coach Darren announced as everyone who wanted to sit out sat out. Usually, I would participate in gym class but sometimes when I'm lazy, I would sit out.

"Start with your stretches and then start running." Coach Darren instructed as everyone participating in class did some stretches before running around the gymnasium. At first, I started off alright but at one point, I started feeling a little dizzy. Strange because I wasn't feeling sick at all, no headache, flu or sore throats. I slowed down to walk instead but Coach Darren yelled, "If you're running, keep running. No stopping!"

"Ugh." I scoffed to myself as I picked up my running speed. Suddenly, I felt a stinging pain in my abdomen as I had an arm over it, continuing to run.

"Hey, you alright?" Jessica asked. At this point, my vision was already blurring and at the next moment, it was black as I felt my weight fall to the floor.

Third person's pov:

"Y/n? Y/n! Guys!" Jessica called as everyone from the bleachers ran towards the unconscious y/n.

"Make way, make way, give her some air." Coach Darren shooed everyone as the other students stood back. Coach Darren started examining for a pulse and breathing.

"Anyone with their phones call 911 now." Coach Darren instructed as Jessica immediately grabbed her phone to call an ambulance while Coach Darren performed CPR on y/n. After doing some chest compressions, Coach Darren leaned in to check if y/n was breathing. When he felt some breaths, he backed up as y/n slowly regained conscious.

"Ambulance is here!" Jessica ran back with the medical team as they transferred the half awake y/n onto a stretcher before wheeling out of the gymnasium.


Y/n's pov:

I was half awake when I got to the hospital as I felt the coldness of the air conditioner hit my skin when I was being wheeled in.

"Don't worry honey, mom's here, stay with us." I heard mom next to me, wheeling the stretcher I was on.

"Mom, what happened?" I asked.

"We'll need to examine you first, stay put, okay?" Mom replied. I relaxed for a while as I was being wheeled into a room while a few doctors, including mom examined me. After going through a thorough examination, mom had my diagnosis.

"Everything seems fine actually, only that your lady's day just came." Mom simply explained. What? My cycle was usually regular and somehow, it came a week early.

"My cycle is usually regular, what do you think happened?" I asked.

"Mm, it could be due to your diet, or stress." Mom replied. "But we'll keep you here for the night and you'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow and rest at home for the rest of the week." She continued.

"Thanks mom." I smiled as I laid back on the pillow and got some rest.

"Oh, and if you need some painkillers for your cramps, ring for assistance." Mom smiled before leaving the room.


The news of me getting hospitalised soon spread as I got visitors. Since the incident happened during school hours, my friends came to visit me after school ends.

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