39: When he gets a hangover and makes up with you

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Y/n's pov:

My alarm went off the next morning as I slowly sat up in bed. Douxie was next to me still knocked out. I got out of bed and checked to see if my clothes were dry. They were dry but when I smelt the clothes, I retched. Dang it, the beer smell was not off completely, I'll just go home in Douxie's clothes. I brushed my teeth before making a simple breakfast of baked beans and toast and not forgetting Archie's salmon. I looked in the fridge to see if there was any juice or milk to drink as I found a carton of orange juice and poured it in a cup before bringing it to the living room.

"Here you go Arch, your breakfast." I said, putting a plate of salmon next to me while I enjoyed my breakfast. An hour later, I heard groaning as I went to Douxie's room to check on him.

Douxie's pov:

It felt like I slept for days. It felt like I slept like a baby. But my worst nightmare came when my head started stinging like mad. I know I swore I never drink so much again but this time, I couldn't help it. I sat up slowly and noticed a cup of water and a note.

'Having a hangover? Drink me!' The note read and the handwriting was similar to y/n's. I took a sip of water and started massaging my head. I turned to the door and saw her glaring at me which nearly made me fall off my bed.

"Y/n, babe. I didn't know you were here." I spoke. However, my headache came back as I held my head. She kept a straight face, not smiling at all as she strolled to my side of the bed and sat down. She then leaned in to massage the side of my head and I felt slightly better. I still didn't know why she was being nice to me even though she didn't talk to me for three days.

"What can I say about last night. Oh, crazy and chaotic." Y/n finally spoke, handing me the glass of water next to me as I took another sip of water.

"Exactly how chaotic was I?" I asked.

"You... poured a whole jug of beer over yourself. And splashed a whole jug of it on me." Y/n explained. Was I really that crazy last night?

"Oh, I am so sorry babe." I apologized. She nodded without saying 'it's okay' before leaving my room. I guess she's still mad at me about what happened 3 days ago. I slowly got out of bed and saw a plate of toast and a glass of juice on the counter top. Y/n, on the other hand was sitting at the balcony staring into blank space. I took my breakfast out and sat next to her.

"You know I only slept over here because I smelled like beer last night thanks to someone's hand with a full jug of beer jerking forward and ended up all over me." Y/n spoke as she got up but I grabbed her arm.

"Babe, I swear I can explain everything." I begged. She groaned as she sat back down and glared at me.

"Aren't you adorable when you're mad." I pinched her cheeks.

"Cut the sweet talk and start explaining yourself!" Y/n growled, slapping my hands away.

"I swear, it's not what it looks like. She's a new part-timer at the café, her family is a little low on the financial side so she'll help at the café after school and occasionally on the weekends. She injured her hand when washing the dishes so I helped her clean up her wounds and we started getting to know each other. And if you wanted to know what was funny that made both of us laugh? She was telling me about how her older brother, who is scared of dogs was being chased by one when he was at the park cycling with his friends." I explained.

Y/n's pov:

After hearing Douxie's explanation, I mostly believed what he said but I still don't know if I should trust him.

"Is my explanation convincing enough for you?" Douxie asked. I wanted to lie to him but his explanation sounded so realistic.

"Fine, you are forgiven." I scoffed.

"Really?" Douxie questioned.

"Only 50%." I added. "You figure out how to turn that 50% unforgiven to 50% forgiven instead. Then it'll add up to 100% forgiven." I continued as I stood up and got my bag before heading to the door.

"Wait, what do you mean by that? Babe." I heard Douxie desperately calling my name as I slammed the door in his face. Of course I know Douxie isn't that kind of person to go out with someone else so I forgive him but he doesn't know I completely forgiven him.

"Y/n, I swear I-" Douxie came running to me as I turned around and pressed my lips against his, cutting him off whatever he needs to rant about. Our kiss lasted until we ran out of breath as we pulled away when we ran out of breath.

"That was the missing 50%, you have been forgiven." I smiled. Douxie flashed a smile at me as I dragged him back into his apartment where we have some unfinished business to finish.

"Wait, wait, I still don't get it." Douxie spoke.

"You're getting a second chance. I'll close one eye for now about the misunderstanding we have." I explained. "Besides it was a little harsh for me to ignore you for 3 days and I think you deserve a second chance so that's why I forgive you." I continued.

"Okay so what do you want to do now?" Douxie asked.

"How bout I pay for our lunch today. I also need to buy a birthday present for my roommate, her birthday is next week and I still don't know what to get her." I replied. "How does that sound?" I asked.

"Sure, we could- wait, why are you wearing my clothes?" Douxie asked. Finally, he realized.

"Oh, my clothes were drenched in beer last night so I washed them. And had to steal your clothes to wear them for the night." I explained. "You finally realized that I'm wearing your clothes?" I asked.

"Shouldn't your clothes be dry by now?" Douxie asked.

"Yes, but there's still a hint of beer smell so I decided not to wear them today. Could I have a ride back home to change then we can go out for lunch?" I asked.

"How could I say no, we just made up. But, let me change out of my night clothes first." Douxie replied as he ran to his room to change. 

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