1.7: Brain and Heart

805 24 95


Tw: Blood, violence (mentioned)
Suppressing feelings, stealing, threatening, plenty of cursing, blackmail, lying to a loved one, keeping secrets, lmk If I should add.

'Help me when I'm too detached and cold
Give me the vitality that I need to trust love more
Blood to the water, neither can fuel us alone
Fervency in my arteries, passion bloomin' through my bones
Heartstrings trigger emotion streams
Agape loves a journey, red rivers connect all of me
But, but be it steadfast, don't you disappoint me
Sometimes I think you're all I need, wise beyond belief.'

~Melanie Martinez, Brain & Heart.

~~~Charlie and Vaggie:The next day~~~

Charlie woke up that day feeling sorta...

Out of it. 

Like there was a weight on her chest that couldn't be lifted.

Caring for Vaggie almost always made her feel joyous and inspired, but today? 

Today she was worried! Why was Vaggie so hesitant to regress? Why was she repressing?

Was she abandoning her precious baby girl? Why was she talking like she was unimportant?

Nope, this will not do! She had to talk to her girlfriend! And she will not rest until she does!

So, Charlie told everyone that there would be no exercises today, but encouraged them to hang out and talk amongst each other.

She then asked Vaggie to meet her in their room so they can talk.

"Charlie, what's going on?" Vaggie asks. "We had a whole thing planned today." She says as they enter their bedroom.

"We'll do it tomorrow." Charlie promises. "But, for today. I think maybe it would be best to spend some time together, just you and me."

"Why? Are you feeling little?" Vaggie asks, concerned for Charlie.

Charlie shakes her head. "No, I'm just worried about you. You've been repressing, worrying about me, and yesterday you said that you felt like you were in my way." She explains. "I can't just ignore that."

Vaggie looked away from her. "Yeah, you can." She mumbles.

"Vaggie?" Charlie asks.

Vaggie sighs. "It's nothing, okay? I just know how busy you've gotten lately." She lies. "I didn't want to add something to your plate, that's all."

Charlie frowns, she sits down on the bed and takes Vaggie's hand. "Vaggie, you know you're very important to me, right?" She asks.

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