💖2.1 Whatever it takes

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This section is about Angel dust and Clara so there will be talks of PTSD, Death, Sexual assault, Bedwetting, Addiction, mental health issues, negative self image. And more. (Each chapter will have its own warnings)

Valentino is in this section...more than last time.

Diapers are also a major theme in this section. Be aware of that too.

If something is too triggering or just may be too much, you will see these emojis in sections to warn you.

⚠️: Assault happening in scene. (Probably won't be too major, but be weary)

🥀: Talking about assault.

🖤Dark themes like death

🟢: Addiction drug/Or alcohol.

⚡️: Injury.

🧷: Padding/diapers (sfw only but in case it makes you uncomfortable)

Then In the end note I will explain what happened in those scenes so you can skip them if you need to.

(I may use this in the future, because I know a some of people had to skip FKB and now I got to try and remember what happened so I can do a recap in the first chapter in MKB. Hopefully this works out and I can use it more) 

And if I need to add anything. Please Let me know. Feel free to suggest some emojis for any triggering themes for future fics.

⚠️Every trigger in this chapter is super mild. Probably have nothing to worry about. Only talks of getting assaulted, anxiety, delayed emotional response, self lothing, and injuries. ⚠️


"Okay, everyone! Let's get this trust circle started!" Charlie announced to the group with her normal overenthusiastic voice.

How can someone be so peppy all the time? It made absolutely no sense to Angel. They're in hell for christ sake!

The 'trust circle' She was referring to was more like a square since it was only Charlie, Vaggie, Pen, and Angel.

Husk was at the bar, cleaning some glasses, Niffty was running around bug killing, and no one could tell where Alastor was when he wasn't working! The guy seems to just disappear randomly.

"Who would like to start?" Charlie asks the group.

Pentious smiles and raises his hand. "Oh I would!" He says enthusiastically.

Angel tried not to roll his eyes.

"Pentious!" Charlie cheers. "The floor is yours." She says, gesturing for him to step forward.

Pentious smiles and slivers closer to the center of the room so everyone could see him properly.

"Ahem." He clears his throat. "I would like to share that these past few weeks have been the best I can ever remember. Since working with you two, I've felt happier, healthier, and I do hate myself a lot less. You both have provided a safe space for me here, and I couldn't thank you enough for that." Pentious says, specifically to Charlie and Vaggie.

"Aw, Pen. I'm so glad things are working out so well! You've made so much progress! I'm so proud of you!" She says.

They said more... but Angel was so tired of hearing how great Pentious is all the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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