1.1 The test.

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Hazbin hotel be like: You've been waiting for years and now you have this super dark yet meaningful story about mythology, the complexity of human nature as well as other worldy beings, redemtion, abuse, abusive relationships, substance use, toxicity, redemtion, corrupt systems and overall the fight between good and evil and how it's more complex than we're lead to belive.

Me be like: Aw! Babies! 😍

⚠️ READ ME! ⚠️

This work is an age regression

/Classification fic. So there will be things such as Diapers and their usage, pacifiers, cribs, bottles, exc.

But there will also be cursing and talking about sex, abuse, drugs, alcohol and lots of adult things when characters are out of headspace, and it also mentions some trauma. (Any future trigger warnings will be added to chapter notes if needed. Be careful.)

Age regression is not sexual. It's a safe coping mechanism.

If this ain't your thing. Just don't read it.

And now...babies!


"Okay, everyone! Today, I have a bit of an experiment for you all." Charlie announces. "You are all going to be taking the infamous classification test!" 

"The what now?" Angel asks.

"This test will determine what kind of person you are! And it will help us better understand your needs to better help you. The types in question are: littles, caregivers, babysitters, pet regressors, handlers, guardians, and neutrals." She explains. "Hellborns take this test when they turn fifteen to find out their best possible place in our society to live their best lives!" 

"Wait, so all hellborns take this test?" Angel asks.

"Yeah, is that new information for you?" Vaggie asks. "It's pretty common knowledge."

"I have never heard of that!" Angel says.

"You know, you should go outside every now and then, maybe you'll learn something." Vaggie says.

"Do you have any idea what happens when I go outside?" Angel asks her. "Not a lot of learning happening." 

"Don't worry, I have all the definitions riiight here. I'll read them out for you." Charlie says. She clears her throat and reads through the classifications: "First we have: Littles or regressors, these people will often regress to a younger state of mind to help them cope with day to day lie. They're usually traumatized individuals who either had to grow up too fast or those who had a bad childhood, regressing allows them to heal their inner child. They also need to be properly taken care of by Caregivers." 

Angel raises an eyebrow, but Charlie continues: 

"Caregivers are the ones assigned to take care of littles. These people usually have natural instincts

Much little Littles, Caregivers are thought to have a traumatic past but they cope by helping others." Charlie explains. 

"Guardians or 'protectors' I think is prettself-explanatoryry. These people are very strong, fearless leaders who are very protective of their loved ones." She reads, smiling at Vaggie at that part.  

"Pets or pet regressors are a lot like Littles, except instead of regressing to a child's mindset, they regress to an animal mindset." 

"And Handlers are a lot likcaregiversrs except for pets. Usually caregiversrs and Handlers go hand in hand, so it's rare for someone to get this classification." Charlie explains.

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