The magnificent man

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Jackie let out a deep sigh as he scrolled through the different bio's of babysitters once more. He sat on the couch beside Chase and Robbie-all while the other kids were on the floor watching a movie.

Jackie huffed, continuing to scroll through as he stares at the different informations, picking out the few that seemed reliable.

Chase's little chirps and the light tapping of fingers on the fabric of the couch could be heard-and it was distracting Jackie a bit while he tried reading. Yet, he didn't mention anything as he gets up,

"I'll be back boys, I need to make some quick calls"

Jackie walked off to the kitchen with his computer and phone-making sure to still have to kid's in his sight. He looks at his list of babysitters-hoping to find one that had a reasonable price and willing to care for 5 kids with disabilities.

The first call was a major bust.

The woman on the other end seemed to only be interested in knowing about Jackie and that was it. She instantly backed up when Jackie told her what disabilities the boys had.

It was almost the same situation for his 2nd, 3rd, up to his 5th call.

Jackie groans while covering his face. He glanced at the kids, frowning softly, 'I knew it was gonna be's okay-I got this! One more call and then I can keep looking...'

"God please be the one Marvin..."


"Hello! This is Marvin Manus speaking, how may I help you?"

"Uh hey, my name is Jackie and I saw your post about possibly accepting jobs for babysitting young kids..."

The man in the other side, Marvin, had a smooth as honey voice. He smiles on the other end, humming softly as he cooked himself some food.

"That is what I do sir. How many kids would it be?"

"...5 boys...they each have some sort of disabilities or stuff..." Jackie's nervous tone was heard plain as day.

Marvin rose a brow at that, growing more curious on what Jackie was talking about. He hums, turning down the temperature of the stove as he grabs a pen and paper, "Well...would you mind telling me what they have-to see if I can help out babysit or not"

Jackie felt a bit hopeful hearing that, hoping not to scare Marvin away, "Uh...we got three very young ones and two older, one of the older kids has amputated leg and arm," Jackie decided to start off with which wouldn't scare the babysitter away immediately.

Marvin hums, writing it down, "Alright not too bad-what about the other 4?"

"One of the young ones is mute and blind...and the other has Fatal Alcohol Syndrome...and then the blind one has a twin that has epilepsy while the other older kid has Tourette's syndrome"

The silence on the other end made Jackie more nervous. He rubs the back of his neck as he sighs, "Look...I know it's a lot...I'll even pay you more than what you're asking for. But I really need help. At least please consider if you can"

Jackie anticipated for a response- or liking the silence on the other line-only able to hear a soft tapping of a pen.

A gentle sigh suddenly came out from the other side, "I have some experiences with some of those conditions...I can try one day and see how it goes. Would you need frequent babysitting or is this an occasional thing?"

Marvin didn't know whether this was a good idea or not-but hearing how desperate the guy sounded and how caring he was towards the kids-it seemed to pull him in for some reason.

Jackie brighten a bit at that, "Um...I may need it frequently...BUT! We can try one day and see how it goes for you and see if you'd like-"

Marvin chuckles, "yeah we'll have to see. What day do you need?"

"Two days!"

"Alright sir, we'll exchange information and then I'll see you and your kids in two days"

As soon as Jackie hung up, he was smiling happily. He felt a sense of relief and joy to know he has probably found a babysitter.


His smile instantly dropped as soon as he heard Chase yell. Jackie set his things down and rushed over to the living room.

Jamie was crying with a scraped knee in the middle of the living room. He was hugging his knees to his chest-crying what would be out loud if it weren't for the fact no sound was coming out of him except small little gasps.

"He fall vhen go fast to ink crayons" Henrik tried explaining as he looked worried.

Jackie rushed over, setting a gentle hand on Jay's knee to inspect it-only for Jay to suddenly flinch away from him. Jackie frowns, "It's okay. It's just me-Jackie. I just wanna help"

Jay heard the voice of the big man. He whimpers, unsure if he was in trouble again. He curled up more, not knowing where he was. A hand feeling around for Anthony.
'Where baba...I wan' baba!' He thinks as he cried.

Anthony was fast asleep on the couch, having not heard what happened. He hadn't really slept so much apparently-so Jackie has noticed how he'd often either sleep in or sleep at random points of the day.

Jackie frowns as he moves to sit beside Jay. He gently taps the floor beside him before placing a soft hand over Jay's hand, "it's okay...I'm only here to help...your brother is asleep-will you let me help you make the owies go away Jamie?"

Jackie had quickly learned JJ didn't like hearing his first name. So he knew to use nicknames only, making it his mission to let Jay know he's safe now.

Jay slowly nodded, uncurling himself from his little ball he's made. Jackie smiles as he looks at the scraped knee, "Imma pick you up and we're gonna go to the bathroom so I can care for your owie" he spoke as he carefully picked Jay up.

Jackie glanced at the others in the room, "I'll be back boys. If Anthony wakes up, let him know I'm with Jamie" he began to walk to the bathroom, gently bouncing Jay as the little boy rubbed his eyes.

Jay let himself be carried off, sniffling from the throbbing pain he felt on his knee. Suddenly he felt himself be set down on a counter, hearing Jackie humming softly as the man gathered what was needed for his knee.

Jay gently put his sleeve of his shirt in his mouth while he waited. Feeling around with his free hand the area. He could feel the smooth counter top, the dip of the counter's edge and where the sink starts.

Outta no where a hand rested on his leg, making Jay flinch and let out a small whimper. Jackie smiles softly as he grabbed a wet cloth, "Imma clean your knee may hurt a little though" he warned before gently patting the wound.

Even the slightest touch caused a sudden pain through Jay. He burst into more tears, backing up a little as best as he could as he shook his head. Jackie was gently holding Jay's leg as he frowns, "I know honey. I know it hurts...almost done"

Jay kept squirming, his hands patting and hitting the counter as a way to try and express his distress.

Soon enough a gentle blow was on his knee, before feeling a bandaid get put on. Jackie rubs his leg a bit as he runs a hand through Jay's hair, "there you go, it's over were so strong for me."

Jackie picked the little boy up and set him down on the ground, holding his hand as they walked out of the bathroom. Jay waddled as he rubs his eyes, smiling a bit. Jackie got the boy a piece of cookie before leading him back to the living room.

All the others were still scattered around doing their own thing. Jay slowly let go of Jackie's hand and went to do his own thing again. Jackie watched the young twin go draw once again-what the boy probably thought was a continuation of his drawing-but it was just a ton of scribbles on top of one another.

Jackie sighs, making sure everyone was alright, seeing Anthony slowly wake up and go sleepily join his brother. Jackie grabbed a pencil and a paper, 'may as well write out some important notes for the babysitter...' he thought-going to the coffee table to write it out while keeping an eye on the kids.

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