Why's the child watching?

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Marvin and Jackie sat on the couch, in order for them to get to know each other and the kids even further.

"I'm still learning more and more about them, so whatever new thing you learn-it would be greatly appreciated if you could share"

Marvin nods as he takes some notes, before hearing footsteps enter. Looking up, Marvin sees Chase and Henrik walking in. Chase seemed tired, and had a bruised up hand-mainly around the knuckles.

Henrik was gently rubbing Chase's back as he looks at Jackie, "Uh...Chase hit vall bad. Need rub oil for vurple marks" he informed.

Chase looked down ashamed from having hit and punched the wall. But Jackie was more worried about the bruised hand. He quickly gets up, "Here sit down. I'll get the first aid kit" he rushed off to the bathroom.

Marvin watched Chase sit down a bit far from him. He looks at the boy with a concern look, "does this happen often?"

Chase gently shook his head. Henrik sitting down beside Chase and gently rubbing the bruised hand.

Marvin frowns, seeing the upset look on Chase, hearing the boy making some clicking sounds with his tongue before suddenly hitting Henrik's thigh.

Even if Henrik winced a bit, he didn't react too much-simply placing a pillow there and pulling the smaller into a soft hug.

Marvin could hear little apologies leaving the young boy. It broke Marvin's heart.

When Jackie came back-he was being followed by Anthony-JJ no where in sight or Robbie (who had gone off to play in his room)

As soon as Anthony saw Jackie was getting closer to the couch where Marvin was on, he froze at the entrance of the living room and stared at Marvin. His face was blank-just simply staring at Marvin and barely blinking.

"Lemme see your hand" Jackie spoke to Chase, crouching in front of him as he opened the first aid kit.

Chase showed his knuckles-continuing to make the clicking sounds.
Jackie worked on applying some healing cream on his hand-making sure to be gentle and patient as Chase kept moving and twitching because of his tics.

Marvin just watched silently, observing quietly before feeling a chill down his spine-a chill of being watched.
He looks up, before making eye contact with Anthony-who only kept staring at him. Marvin didn't know what to do-giving the kid a confused smile and a tiny wave....

But Anthony only narrowed his eyes before booking it out of there. Rushing off to where he had left off Jay-which was inside the pantry.

Jamie was sitting on a shelf this brother left him on-having managed to open a box of thin cookies and now kept himself occupied on munching on the cookies.

Marvin blinked-thinking nothing of it for now.

Until the second time it happened—

Jackie and Marvin were by now getting food ready for the kids. It was about to be supper time for the house, and everyone was getting hungry.

Marvin by now had taken little notes on his phone for things to keep in mind about each children.

As the two were in the kitchen cooking-Marvin looked at Jackie who was calming cutting some chicken.

"So...why did you adopt 4 kids, especially knowing their disabilities?" Marvin asked curiously.

Jackie smiles softly while putting the chicken in the pasta, "Originally it was just gonna be two...Henrik and Anthony. But seeing how heartbroken they were from separating from their brother or friend...I couldn't. I just can't separate them, so why not get them all-even if I knew it'd be difficult"

Marvin smiles softly, "Well...that's sweet of you. They seem comfortable with you-even if it wasn't long since you got them"

Jackie chuckles softly as he nods, "so, why babysitting??"

Marvin helped stir the pot, "well I work from home-sometimes I go out and about-but I like kids. And I've cared for some before..." Marvin's voice trailed off when that shiver feeling came back to him once more.

Turning around, Marvin yelps seeing Anthony standing by the trash can, simply staring at Marvin again!

He gives another nervous smile, "h-hey..,Anthony right?"

Yet Anthony doesn't respond. He just narrows his eyes before walking out of the room. Not saying a word once.

Marvin turned back to Jackie, "is that normal of him? Just staring at people?"

Jackie blinks, shaking his head, "uh... I don't think so. He hasn't done that in the time I've had him...but then again you're the first person to visit our house since getting them"

Marvin nods confused, shaking his head and deciding to ignore it for now.

Until they were serving the food.

Marvin was helping serving the food on the plates before giving them to Jackie to set on the table. As he worked on the last plate, he was shocked when he felt a sudden tug on his pants.

Looking down-Marvin sees Anthony looking up at him, holding something behind his back. Marvin didn't think much of it-setting the plate down and crouching down to the height of Anthony, "Hey buddy...what's up?"

Anthony didn't say anything. Simply pulling out a dead frog from behind his back and giving it to Marvin. He pat Marvin's arm before stepping back and walking away. A small, "no...." Leaving him.

Marvin blinks, watching Anthony walk away before looking down at the dead frog in his hands. He makes a disgusted face, standing up properly as he sighs.

Jackie walked in just then, before seeing the dead frog in Marvin's hands, "Uhhh..."

"Your kid...Anthony...I don't know where he got it...but I feel like I should go..."

Jackie shook his head, "I-I'm sorry about that! I promise he's not usually like this! I'm not sure why he's acting like this!" Jackie let out frantically-quickly helping Marvin clean up.

Marvin only lets out a soft chuckle, "it's okay, it's not your fault. I think though the boy needs a break...Imma uh-I will go. I'll stay in touch and let me know when you need a babysitter"

Jackie helped Marvin make sure everything was okay before leading him to the door. Jackie watched him leave sadly, before sighing, "SUPPER TIME!"

Once supper was over and the kids were getting ready for bed-Jackie went to do his daily tuck ins.

He went to Robbie's room first, making sure his son was all dressed in his fuzzy pj's before tucking him in.
Jackie smiles softly at seeing Robbie almost instantly fall asleep as soon as his head heads the pillow. He pressed a soft kiss to his forehead before shutting off the lights and turning on Robbie's nightlight.

Next he went to the twins room. There he saw Anthony sitting with JJ, simply fixing Jamie's hair while Jay held his stuffed animal close. He kept dozing off but would wake up almost immediately.

Jackie sighs, walking over to them, "c'mon boys...it's sleepy time." He hums, before looking at Anthony.

"Anthony...why did you give Marvin a dead frog?" He asked, crouching down to be leveled with the boy, "that wasn't okay, especially since he's trying to help us"

Anthony frowns, shaking his head, "no!" He snaps, crossing his arms.

"He's only trying to help. I need you to give him a chance..."


"Anthony...I'm not arguing with you about this. Next time he comes, you'll need to tell him your sorry"


Jackie just sighs, shaking his head. He picks Anthony up, "alright it's bed time." He mumbles, setting the boy in his own bed. He made sure to help tuck in Jamie-who was fast asleep by now.

As Jackie was stepping out of the room, he looked back and saw Anthony simply curling himself up into the blanket so only his head was popped out.
A gentle smile goes through Jackie, before sighing and closing the door. Heading to check on the older boys before calling it a night.

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