The washing machine

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"And just make sure that simple chores are done. Whatever doesn't get done I can definitely take care of later tonight!"

Jackie spoke to Marvin while he was carrying Jay. Anthony stood by Jackie, just looking up at his brother with a soft smile.

Marvin took note as he nods, "Okay perfect! Don't you worry-I think I got this all down" he smiles.

Jackie nods before looking down at JJ, "alrighty...I gotta go. You boys behave...I think Henrik is still asleep but I'm sure he awakes soon."

Carefully Jackie passed Jay to Marvin. JJ began to squirm softly, not recognizing the arms he was being handed to. Anthony didn't seem to like it as much though, and began hopping as he tried to grab Jay's leg.

Jackie quickly grabbed his bag before heading to the door, "good luck and I'll come back later tonight! Let me know about anything!"

Marvin watched Jackie leave before looking down when hearing Anthony let out what sounded like an angry whine.

Marvin stares for a bit before sighing as he walks to the kitchen, "how about some nice milk to start the day for you two? What would you guys like? Chocolate or-Hey!"

Anthony had followed before Marvin, kicking and hitting a bit, before suddenly grabbing his leg and biting Marvin.

Marvin shook Anthony off, "what's your problem, you little gremlin?!" Marvin scoffed, setting JJ on the counter beside him, "I honestly can't see how you and Jay even are related" he rolls his eyes.

Jamie meanwhile was still trying to figure out what was happening. He squirmed in his spot, before his tummy let out a small rumble. He pat his belly, letting out a soft whine.

Marvin looks over, smiling softly at JJ, "let's get you some milk. Do you want regular?" Upon seeing JJ nodding softly, Marvin got a sippy cup and filled it with some milk. He made sure the lid was tightly secure before handing it to JJ.

Anthony pouts, sitting down on the floor with furrowed brows. Marvin stared down at him, both having a small staring contest. Before a soft sigh left the adult, "you want some too? Regular or chocolate?"

Antony let out a tiny growl, "Jay!"

"If I put you beside him-will you stop attacking me?"


"It's a yes or no Anthony. That's not a proper response"


Both resorted back to staring at each other, until suddenly Chase and Henrik walked in, with Robbie in between them and holding both of their hands.

Chase stared a bit concerned, his head twitching occasionally.

"Ugh...fine." Marvin bent down and tried picking Anthony up, only for the boy to let out a loud shriek and start flaring around.

Anthony didn't even take notice of the headache he was beginning to get was only getting worse-until his eyes started dotting with black. His breathing started to pick up and before it sounded like it randomly got caught.

Marvin felt Anthony's body suddenly limp before it began to spasm. He yelps, quickly setting the boy down and taking off his jacket to put like a pillow under Anthony's head.

The others watched in worry, Robbie confused why one of the younger twin boys was spasming on the floor again.

Marvin had his watch out as he timed the seizure.

Henrik walked over, carefully pushing anything that was around them away, so that Anthony didn't hit it in accident. Chase made sure to stick by Robbie, keeping an eye out for JJ.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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