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Dear Diary,

It feels strange writing those words again, after all this time. I am aware all the best stories start at the begginging, it makes sense for the unravelling of the narrative, like a piece of string unravelling from the ball of yarn. However, at the start you don't realise how much your life will change after the events of the story take place; you don't understand how warped your outlook on life becomes and how precious every breath really is. I'm writing this to warn whoever is reading this that life is not what we perceive. It's not until we are faced with true, unadulterated fear that the value we place on just purely being alive is not nearly enough. I'm going through therapy, and it seems to be helping. I know it's all over now and I should be happy but I've witnessed so much I don't think I'll ever be the same person I was at the start of this story.

I'll let you read on now, I want to let the tales of my trauma be known, the tales of the next generation of Ninja.

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