Chapter 5: Powerful

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Sydney POV:

(AN: this will start in the middle of his entry about the day. It's still written in a diary and each chapter will be it's own entry but I might start it in the middle of one, case and point, this one. Also i'm so sorry i haven't been uploading my exams have kicked off and I haven't had time to work on much <3)

Leaping, rolling, dodging, I rushed to the spot where I had briefly seen my sister laying. As I dodged the beast a flurry of feelings and thoughts rushed to my head. How could I let this happen? Is Sofia okay? Why! Just why! Am I really this stupid? Suddenly, I was stopped in my tracks by a golden head with red accents and I was face to face with it's piercing eyes. My blood ran cold. My heart beat faster. My body started shaking. My-

"HEY! OVER HERE!" All of a sudden a shaky but confident voice perked up and the beast removed its head from my view, instead focusing on Ember who had bravely thrown a rock at its head to draw its attention away from me. Then I spotted my sister, curled up into a ball in the corner of the huge cavern, sobbing. She didn't appear visibly hurt from my short glimpse but as I darted over to her I was met by another head. However, this time, it didn't appear to have any sort of intent to hurt me. It looked intrigued and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a slight bit intrigued too. It proceeded to bow its head to me and in that moment, I was transfixed by it's beauty, it's majesty, it's energy. Without a condcious thought, I reached out and touched it's head.

I don't remember too much of what happened, only that it felt like a dream but also as real as me writing this down right now, or the present moment in time. But I'll narrate that which I can somewhat remember.

My next memory was being in a blank space, it wasn't black, it wasn't white it was just... empty. There was a ball of light infront of me, it was of a yellow-ish hue. With nothing else to do, I walked towards it gently, cautious if it was a trap. I looked at it inquisitively. Little cracks of electrical energy flowed around it as it glowed brighter and brighter, looking more and more appealing. I was entranced. My hand reached out autonomously, like it had done with the dragon. There was then a flash of light and a loud sound (like I said, I can't remember a lot). I closed my eyes and my next memory was in the floor in the cave ; it was if I'd woken up from a bad dream but I SWEAR it was real.

I took notice of my surroundings and it seemed that Ember and Alex were in the same situation as me. They were spread on the floor of the cave passed out but I was too weak and disoriented to comprehend what was happening and too weak to help. Another thing I noted was the dragon had seemed to disappear. The cave was a lot more dim and I could barely make out any shapes, but the familiar and terrifying shape of golden, four headed dragon had disappeared. The next thing I could make out through my haze was the faint, muffled voice of my sister through the violent ringing in my ears. She was shaking us all and saying something but once again, I was too dazed to figure it out.
"Sofia..." I mumbled quietly, squinting my eyes and attempting to come to my senses. She came over and threw her arms around me crying as I tried to sit up. Eventually, I regained control of myself and made sense of my surroundings. Ember and Alex had began to get up and Sofia went over and helped them up.
"What...what happened?" Ember stuttered being lifted to her feet and holding her head as she clutched to Sofia's arm.

"I don't even know! I'm still not sure what totally happened but what I saw is you guys putting your hands on the dragons face and then you were swept up into a swirly thing and you floated and the dragons light started fading and you like absorbed it? Is that even the right word? I tried shouting to you guys because obviously I was worried but you didn't answer and then the swirly wirley's stopped and you fell to the ground and I started shaking you."
"Hold on, what the fuck?" I stated confused and startled.
"Don't ask me I was just a witness?" Sofia held her hands up.
"Well, thanks for helping us up and looking out for us girlie." Ember stated putting her hand on Sofia's shoulder.
"OW! OW!" Sofia screamed quickly stepping away from Ember and grabbing her shoulder. Obviously concerned, we all rushed over and Ember looked horrified and confused. As Sofia removed her hand away from the strange injury on her shoulder to reveal it was a burn with blisters and scorched skin. It was a horrific sight. She quickly doused her arm in water from her palms and used them as a make-shift ice-pack.
"Sofia...I'm so sorry I don't know how or why I did that!"
"No, honestly Ember don't worry, it's fine it'll probably heal."
"Yeah but how did I do that?"
"It doesn't make any logical sense to be honest. Maybe we should get back to the monastary, our parents are probably worried and who knows how long we've been out here." Alex suggested and we all left the cave in silence. We were all stunned, shocked even. What the hell had happened there?

"So what happened to you guys when you were out?" I asked Alex and Ember who were visibly shocked.
"I was somewhere. I don't honestly know how to describe it." Alex disorientily said.
"Same." Me and Ember said in chorus.
"And then I saw like a light orb and since there was nothing else so I went towards it." Alex carried on.
"And then there was a flash of light and a really loud sound." Ember said in amazement.
"Yeah." Alex and I said in unison.
"We all saw the same thing?" I queried.
"I guess so.." Alex trailed off, clearly deep in thought. It was hard not to. Everyone growing up in Ninjago was aware of the strange and magical goings-on that coloured our daily lives and ignited hope in the hearts of the youngest. I don't think any of us ever realised how intimidating and confusing experiencing something out of the stories we grew up on really could be. The magical elements of this world were not for us to experience, yet we'd gone and poked the bear.

The enduring walk back up to the monastery was quiet, all of us trapped within our own minds, lost in the worried thoughts of the 'what if's' and the 'why's' of the event we had just experienced; the expressions on everyone's faces told me we were all thinking the same thing with no words to be said. It was only when we got to the grand cerise gates of the monastery that the silence was broken.
"Guys! I think I have an idea!"

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