Chapter 3: Very Different Day

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Dear Diary,

"Welcome to Chen's Noodle House! How may I serve you?" I love helping my Mum and her family business but if I have to utter those words once again I think I will breakdown. Today was okay though. We were shutting up the restaurant early to go to the Monastary! You see, it was my cousins' birthday and I'd been hoping to see them all week. We are actually all very close friends and I love seeing them and hanging out with them so obviously I would want to see them on their birthdays! I think it will be nice my dad's whole Ninja team hanging out together again at their old stomping ground and all us kids hanging out aswell ; I enjoy those sorts of occasions.

Other than that, today will be a pretty average day, with the added drag that I'm tired from my Saturday Netball game. I'll be going around taking orders, helping my Mum in the kitchen, scrubbing tables until I inevitably end up flopping into bed and while this may sound monotonous, I like busying myself and helping people out, especially my mum and dad.

I won't bore you with the unnecessary details of my day to day life and I'll skip to the more interesting aspects of the day, finally going to the monastery.

I've already told you about how my dad was a Ninja and how after the battle with the Overlord him and my mum settled down to run the noodle shop but we still see his old team-mates sometimes. Today was one of those days; it was perhaps what you would call, interesting.

We arrived at the monastery right on time as usual and the normal stuff happened:
"Oh my god I haven't seen you in forever"
All the usual. I can't say I don't enjoy the affections of my honorary aunt and uncles, for one it is lovely seeing everyone and I do enjoy family occasions. Zane and Pixal have a boy, about my age, his name is Alex and he's actually good company so we set off into another room to chat.
"So, how's life been?" I asked in an attempt to make conversation.
"It's been okay. Mum, dad and I have been on a few small missions together lately but thankfully nothing too heavy. Just the usual."
"Wow, it must be so cool to do that stuff." I replied.
"Yeah, it looks cool on paper but it can take it's toll. I'm sure our parents know all about that." He joked.
"Oh god tell me about it. Dad doesn't like to go into too much detail about it." I sighed. I wish I was a Ninja like him sometimes but I am quite content with the life that I have. Anyway we talked a bit more when suddenly there was a knock at the huge cerise gates that guarded the monastery. Needless to say, I lept up excited; I knew who was at the door. The gates opened and my cousins Sydney and Sofia and my Aunt Nya and Uncle Jay on the other side. Sofia lept forward to hug everyone, specifically me (like I said, we were very close), we all wished the twins a happy birthday and Alex and I lead them to his room.

Whenever we meet up, we always get along. We did karaoke, talked and played games for hours, amusing ourselves while our parents drunk and ate themselves in good spirits. It wasn't as if we weren't normal teenagers, we all could just appreciate eachother's company without the need for narcotics and inebriated hijinks. I guess in comparison to today's standard, we're soft but honestly, I think that's the best way to be. Soft but happy. Not to say we didn't find humour in the subject.

We got onto truth or dare. We got VERY into it. Daring eachother to do the stupidest things like "put as many snacks into your mouth as possible" or "do a shot of vinegar". Like I said, soft but happy. Eventually, the biggest dare of the afternoon was asked.
"Sydney! It's your turn to dare Sofia!"
I chortled excitedly.
"Okay, Sofia, truth or dare?" Sydney asked his wide-eyed sister, sat there like an excited puppy.
"Dare obviously, I'm no wimp" she retorted.
"Okay, Sofia, I dare you, to sneak out and into the woods at the back of the monastery" Sydney stated his dare.
"Are you kidding?! I'll have to climb down all those steps!" Sofia replied dismayed.
"I thought you weren't a pussy" I teased her.
"Fine! I'll do it! But you guys are coming to the edge of the forest with me!" Sofia said bravely.
"Fine, we'll come, but just to make sure you do it safely." Sydney replied. He clearly didn't want to hurt his sister in any way, it was a harmless dare.

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