Chapter 1: Endings are New Beggingings

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Dear Diary,

I've never kept a diary before but mum and dad got me this for my birthday so here it goes!

You'll get to learn all the ins and outs of my CRAZY life but I guess I should probably tell you everything that's happened up until now, so you get to know me and my situation better!

The first thing you HAVE to know about me is that I have the coolest parents EVER!! They were both fearless Ninja that saved the whole of Ninjago before (so cool right!). My dad was the master of lightning, and my mum was the master of water, and together with my uncle and their friends, they helped stop bad guys all throughout Ninjago. They've told me so many stories of their adventures, but just to name a few:
-They helped the Green Ninja (the legendary one) to defeat THE LORD GARMADON.
-They stopped the cursed realm from taking over Ninjago (my mum drowned the monster in the sea outside stixx's with a HUGE wave!!)
-My dad saved my mum from having to marry this genie that trapped all their friends inside a magical sword and wanted to control all of Ninjago!
-They stopped an invasion of Oni (That's when my dad proposed to my mum! How cute!)
-And apparently my mum stopped wojira by merging with the sea but even I think that might be impossible.

However, after their final battle against the overlord, my dad and the rest of the ninja lost their powers, and they all went about their lives. While some of the Ninja stayed behind at the monastery, my parents decided to move out into this beautiful, old-style house in the rural parts of Ninjago.

After years and YEARS of waiting, they finally got married, and shortly after that, they found out they were going to have a baby! They said they were so so happy and that they'd always wanted one, but I think it came as a bit of a shock when they found out they were having me AND my twin brother! Yes, you heard it right; I have a twin brother, and he's definitely my best friend in the whole world! So finally, on the 13th of December me and Sydney made our grand entrance into the world! Sydney is actually 5 minutes older than me, but I was the loudest baby in the whole hospital apparently (I think that explains a lot about my personality). The first few months of our lives were apparently CHAOTIC! I guess that's just what happens with TWO newborn babies in the house, but our parents loved us either way.

I had a very happy, normal childhood, well, as normal as you can have with having former ninja as parents! We have family bake-athons (that Sydney and I always win) and I sometimes help my mum and dad fixing up and making machines for Zane and Pixal who stayed on as Ninja. I also make inventions of my own! For example, I recently made a flying mech that I can use to get around in! It's so cool! Sydney tends to prefer other stuff like playing video games or making music. Whenever we went over to our cousin Ember's, they'd always put on a show in the noodle house before my aunt would have to tell them to leave and they'd go and practice in the backyard instead. I always listened to them play and I loved it, but I'm not that musically gifted so I couldn't ever join in.

And that just about brings us up to today, me and Sydney's 17th birthday. Sydney and I share a bedroom like stereotypical twins but I wouldn't say we bicker too much. Most of the time we actually enjoy eachothers company. I think it was about 6 o'clock in the morning when I leant over the side of my bed to look down to Sydney's bunk to wish him a happy birthday.

No response.
No response again.
"Happy birthday!"
"Happy birthday to you too.."
He turned over, burying his face into his pillow.
"How do you feel being 17?" I asked him.
"Like I want more sleep."
"Comon, don't be like that! The real question is what are we going to do?"
"I don't know, maybe I'll know once I've slept in."

Suddenly, there was a jolt of the door handle.
"Happy birthday you two!"
My dad burst into the room and I jumped down from my bunk and raced to hug him while Sydney buried his head even further into his pillow.
"God your so grown up now!" My dad said as I hugged him tightly. As I did though, I noticed my hands suddenly turning wet and cold and the back of his top turning more and more damp by the second. Then I realised. Oh god, it had happened again.

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