1873 (Ghost Pokro)

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This Au, HS berprofesi sebagai ghost hunter and mission diorang kali ni adalah kat rumah Pokro yang kat Au ni terbengkalai sebab berhantu. This Au called Magical Paranormal HS Au, because in this Au mostly of HS and other live more than 100 years they can die, just in this Au manusia boleh hidup lebih lama dan jangka hidup manusia dalam Au ni di kira 500 tahun dah tua jadi walau diorang umur 100 lebih tapi still muda- (jujur ni apa..)

Posisi Pokro di gantikan dengan Mut and Lili (sometimes Lili ikut and Lili ada sixth sence or blh tengok benda ghaib dlm Au ni)

Time line 2010 (why? Sbb boleh!)

HS dapat satu spot yang dalam radar terditeksi ada hantu kat situ, diorang mulakan komunikasi dengan penunggu-penunggu kat sana sampailah diorang dapat berkomunikasi dengan seorang budak lelaki dalam umur 14-17 tahun yang nak di kenal sebagai Pokro.

Ryan: Pokro, can you tell us how you die?

Lili: Yeah.. If you want to tell us

Toro: Eh berani nya korang!

Mut: Tah nya

Nurul: Alah takpe lah boleh lah soalan tu.

Ryan: So can you tell us what happened?

Pokro: Yes.. My name is Nazrul, from Terengganu. First name ( ), I was fourteen year's old when I was murdered on December 6th, 1873.

Ryan: ......

Lili: Isn't ( ) is Nurul first name to..? *The other can see scared on her eyes, she can see Pokro that sit in front of them, he doesn't look scary but his head is bleeding,there are many wounded wounds and blows in his body with a dirty school uniform yang ada jejak tanah*

Nurul, shocked and can't say anything looks like she try to proses something : ....... *remember Something*

Nurul, her eyes implied sadness and shock: ..Adik?

Pokro: .....

Mut, shocked: !!

Toro, shocked: Jadi.. Kau adik Nurul yang hilang 137 tahun lalu?

Pokro: Yes..

Pokro:I am here.


Inspired by Audio : My name is Salmon like the fish

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