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Y/n Pov.

When i agreed to join the xmen i wasn't really sure what to expect, after beast got my answer he wanted me to meet the headman in charge as well as main members of the team.

Beast had led me through the mansion to headmasters office, the place was huge, and i had already seen many others, i saw a  kids and teens who were mutants just like him, another who could turn into water,  mutants of all shapes and sizes , it was really something else.

We had soon arrived to what appeared to be to be the headmasters door.

Third Pov.

"Here we are, just knock and wait to he called in" beast gestured with a smile.

Y/n nodded. " Ok, and thanks again for patching me up doc." Y/n said as he rubbed the side of his head.

Beast merely smiled and waved his hand. " No need, its what im here for,  i must get back to work and remember this is no interrogation or entrance exam." Beast assured, not wanting the new recruit to think his being here depended on this.

"Got it." Y/n nodded heeding his words.

Y/n bid beast farewell and he went back and y/n looked at the door. "Well, here goes nothing."  Y/n said as he knocked on the door 3 times.

"You may enter." A Masculine voice from the other side answered.

Y/n opened the door, he entered the large office, he was soon greeted by a man behind a desk in a wheel chair,  a red headed woman, a short and stocky man who he could deduce was wolverine and tall man with red glasses.

"Hello Y/n, I'm professor charles xavier, welcome to the institute." Charles spoke with a smile

"Hey there" y/n waved with a smile

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"Hey there" y/n waved with a smile. "Hope i didn't keep anybody waiting too long."

"Not at all, it is pleasing to see you made a full recovery." Charles responded.

"Nearly thought it was lights out for you kid, good to know you're tougher than you look." Wolverine  said now unmasked and leaning against the wall with a smirk.

"Its great to see you back on your feet." The red headed woman said with a gentle smile.

Y/n eyes widened, he recognized her voice. " Your the woman who was speaking in my head, jean right?"

Jean smiled and nodded "thats me."


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